Larry Stylinson - Adventure (inspired by Ooh La La - Britney Spears)

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I lean against my locker, eyes closed, trying to collect my thoughts. The past three weeks have all gone by incredibly fast and it's all just a big blur to me. Oh how I wish that someone would just  grab my hand and drag me away from here, away from all the stress and responsibilities, out for an adventure .. to discover the world.! Yeah right, let's be realistic for a second; that'll never.ever. happen. Firstly because that type of thing only happens in movies, secondly because .. well, I'm me. I sigh and open my eyes again, being forced to face reality as the bell rings, signalizing that it's time to go to class. Luckily it's only this and then maths, after that I get to go home again. I make sure I've got the books that I need before walking down the hallway when someone running by hits my shoulder, causing me to fly into the lockers. "Oh! I'm so so sorry! I'm just in a hurry, like, yeah.. I'm really sorry, I got to go now .. see you around, yeah?" he rushes out before disappearing amongst the crowd. I was so caught up in what had just happened, trying to take in everything, that I didn't realize I was late until I continued walking and saw that the corridor was all empty. I speed up my pace, smiling to myself, thinking of the beautiful stranger.

--After class--

 "Hey! Tomlinson, wait up!" I stop immediately, upon hearing my last name being called. The slow, deep, voice booming down the corridor, easily drowning out everything else. I turn around, confused,  probably looking like a lost puppy or something. "Hi, I'm Harry. The guy who-" "Ran into me, yeah.." he chuckles, throwing a quick glance at the floor while licking his lips, making my knees go weak. "So.. Do I get your name or.?" I mentally slap myself. "Huh? Oh! Yes, of course! It's Louis." I reply, all too eager, earning yet another chuckle causing me to blush. "That's cute." he says, matter of factly. "Is not" "You're cute." There's an awkward silence after that. "So, I've seen you around.. You don't talk much, do you? I've tried to start a conversation before, but you're really quiet." I blush again, nodding. "Yeah" 

"So, if you could do absolutely anything you wanted to, what would you do?" Harry ask me, out of nowhere. "Uhm.. Runaway probably" he gives me a shocked look "You mean, like, runaway from home? Cause  if you're being abused or something you ca-" "What? No! That's not what I meant, not at all!" I cut him him off, luckily he calmed down fast. "Oh, okay. Good." I nod, agreeing. "Yeah.. No, what I meant was, runaway as in leave this place, go out an discover the world, y'know? I want to travel! Go on adventures! I mean, it doesn't even have to be that far, not right now at least. Actually, right now about anything would do..." there's a moment of silence before his whole face light up. "Well, why are you standing here then?" I give him a weird look "Because it's school time?" I try, my voice giving away that I'm nervous. " "Oh please! We've got school five days a week, almost every week" he grabs my arm, grinning big. "Come on then, we're wasting valuable time just standing here!" And with that he turns around and start running, dragging me along with him. 

"H-Harry! What are you doing?!" I whisper yell, trying not to stumble. He look around, probably to make sure no teachers are around to see us, before pushing the doors open and pausing a little to turn and look at me. "Giving you an adventure." He gives me the biggest, most gorgeous, smile I've ever seen and oh my fuc.king gosh he has dimples!! Then all of a sudden I'm dragged down the stairs and out on the street, heading in a direction I've never gone before. And I swear I could hear him sing Ooh La La by Britney Spears, shaking my head laughing I continue to run, enjoying what seem to turn out to be the best day of my life. Why be realistic when you can live your dreams?


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