Lilo - Love Sick (Pt.2)

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Louis' POV:

I grab his hand and start walking, looking around,  surely they gotta have a check in place somewhere. As we're walking I think of how quickly I changed, I mean, I went from shy and nervous to strong and protective within just a few seconds! I've never done that before. Usually I'm just "the weird guy who doesn't speak". I sigh, nibbling at my bottom lip. "H-hey, what a-about t-that?" the boy stutter, I glance over at him, following his finger to where he's pointing. Finally! "Yes! They really should move it, unless we're the only ones with crappy parents.." I add the last part, kinda mumbling, feeling my normal self start coming back again. Oh for fuc.ks sake! Can't I be normal for just a day?! Ugh. We slow down a bit, as we approach the old lady standing behind the counter. When we reach our destination neither of us open our mouth to say anything. The lady gives us an irritated stare, seeing as we're just standing there, fiddling with our fingers and biting our lips. "Yes? Did you need something?" she ask, in a rather rude tone. 

The, still nameless, boy clears his throat and manage to come up with a reply. "Y-yes?" it sounds more like a question, but I know I wouldn't have been able to do a better job. She gives us another irritated look "What?" she snaps, startling the both of us. "U-uh..." I quickly realize that I have to speak up if we're going to get anywhere today. Taking a deep breath to try and calm myself down, which of course is useless, I open my mouth to speak. "We, we where j-just d-dropped off here ... by, uhm, by our parents" I start, mentally cursing and hitting myself for sounding like such a wimp. I quickly glance up at the lady "And, uh, w-we don't, uhm .. we don't r-really know w-what to do.." I trail of, and looks over at the boy, surprised, when he adds "Or what's gonna happen." I nod, looking back at my feet. All my confidence from when I was holding the beautiful boy is long gone by now. My anxiety level going higher and higher, I feel like I'm going to pass out any second. Hopefully this will all be over soon and I can go to sleep, preferably never waking up.

~~Time Skip~~

"So this will be your room, you two will be sharing, seeing as it's the only room that's ready at the moment. Dinner is at six." We just nod, entering the room, carefully, looking around for a bit. He clears his throat, the awkward silence eating at us both.  "S-so.. what's your n-name?" I ask, afraid that .. well, I don't know really. That he won't like me probably... "Liam. W-what's yours?" he look me in the eye, but me being me can't take it and look away quickly, my heart beating way too quick for it to be healthy. "Eh, Louis." I mentally hit myself, cursing under my breath, for hesitating. I just met the guy and I'm sound like a fucking wimp that can't even remember his own name!! I sigh, opening my small bag, starting to unpack the little amount of stuff my mum hadn't already thrown away, that bi.tch. 

Liam's POV:

I try to make eye contact with him, but he looks away every time, don't he like me? Of course he don't. I hear him take a shaky breath before speaking. "Eh, Louis." he sounds unsure of himself, like he struggling to decide what to say, even though there's not many options. I try to give him a comforting smile, but fail miserably, good thing he turned to unpack his bag. I run my hand through my short hair, closing my eyes for a moment, trying to relax. Look how pathetic you are, he doesn't even wanna look at you! The voice says, once again making it's appearance, interrupting my day probably for the hundredth time today already. "No, it's not like that.!" I argue, sure not to speak loud enough for him to hear. Yes it is. Can't you see, or do you need him to tell you himself? "S-stop! Stop saying that! I-it's n-not true!" I reply, raising my voice a little. 

"L-Liam? Everything okay?" I hear a soft voice ask, I freeze for a moment before turning around. "I-I.. yes." I stutter. "You sure? You sounded upset." I shake my head, maybe a little to quick. "No, yeah. Nothing I'd want to bother you with anyway..." I mumble the last part, but he catches it, unfortunately. "Wh-what? Why?" I just shake my head again, glancing over at the clock. It's still another three hours until dinner, I might as well try to explain myself... I take a deep breath and start talking, messing up half of the words but he don't seem to care.

~~Time Skip~~

Louis' POV:

I look at the clock, slightly shocked, it's six already?! "" I say, under my breath. "We better hurry, dinner started four minutes ago." Liam's eyes widen and then he nod before getting up quickly, following me out of the room. Me and Liam have been talking for three hours straight, and by now it feels like I've known him my whole life. I learned that he's born 29th August, 1993. Which makes him two years younger than me. He's bisexual, but prefer boys, and then of course he told me about his family and how he was bullied when he was younger. I also learnt that the reason why his parents and therapist sent him here is that he's got voices, commenting on everything he says or does, and basically tears him apart. Though, of course, no one would notice if it weren't for the fact that he's unable to reply/argue with them inside his head. He automatically speaks out loud. 

"Uh, do you know where we're supposed to go?" I eventually ask, seeing as we're just standing at the end of the hallway, outside our room. "No?" he reply with an innocent smile, which is far from innocent, really. I chuckle, grabbing his hand and then start running. I myself let Liam know stuff like how I'm born 24th December, 1991. I'm gay, stuff about my childhood and big family, and that some of my hobbies are playing piano, soccer & singing. Also, I of course told him about my mental illnesses. I suffer from social anxiety, which seem to have been a part of my life since .. well, since I was born. I'm depressed, have been now for a few years, I often have troubles sleeping, I'm suicidal and have tried to kill myself three times before, which led to him telling me that he's suicidal as well and tried to commit two times. Then I told him that I self harm, in form of cutting, and you'll never guess what he did; he freaking kissed all of my scars!! All of them!!! I started crying then, trying not to fanboy so much he'd noticed. It was amazing! He's amazing!

Yeah, so here's part two for ya. Hope you liked it (: I'm writing this at ١١:૩૦pm, so I'm sorry if it  sucked or if there's a lot of typos..

Now, I really wanted to make this longer, but I haven't slept since night to Saturday, and then I only got like four hours of sleep or something, so I'm really tired and all. And basically I had some trouble with continuing it, but I wanted to upload it tonight so...

Yeah, I'm rambling...

Gnight then ♡

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