Chapter 15 : Jummah prayer

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Shams's POV

After I got home  I texted Nadin and we talked about the incident. I know she herself didn't want that to happen but I didn't want her to feel bad. I just told her to make sure she's covered even if she was at home incase. I never want that to happen again unless we get married and she's in my house , I'll give her the freedom to feel free.

I felt better after the text.

I was bored sitting on the couch " trrin trrin" my phone was ringing and checking the called ID my face lit up. My mom called me and I sat there talking to her and my sister.

I was so happy that she called because I was thinking of calling her too but she raced and called me first.

It was almost midnight and I was just just on my phone having fun on all my social media accounts until I fell asleep.

I woke up to pray fajr then set my alarm for 11:00pm to wake up shower later and head to the masjid as its Friday.

"Riiiiing" I signed and woke up, went to the restroom, showered and cleaned myself then cdressed up. I went down to the cafeteria to eat breakfast and at around 12:20, Yasir texted me telling me that he ordered an uber for me.

We had a small argument about that thought , I could have done that myself. He's already done enough for me. But he insisted and said the uber was in front of the door. I thanked him and went out the main entrance.

The ride was really quick, like we got to the masjid in 12 minutes and the uber guy dropped me from the back door I guess cause it was just a parking lot.

As soon as I got off I called Yasir so we could all meet up, but the call didn't even go through. So I decided to call Nadin because maybe they still didn't get here. She answered on the third ring . I told her to tell Yasir that I got dropped off from the back door. We disconnected the call and In about 4 minutes I spotted Yasir and in the crowd then quickly walked up to him.

We sat on the 3rd row behind the imam. The khutbah Mashallah was beautiful and the imam's voice himself is beautiful mashallah.

After the prayer I went to use the restroom and asked Yasir to wait for me outside as he said his mom invited me over for lunch.

I struggled to find the restroom, after I found it and finished I came out and wore my shoes . I got my phone out to take a picture as the masjid looked beautiful with a huge chandelier on top. I stood in front of the door looking at the view from the inside when all of the sudden someone short banged into me and I looked down to see a woman or a lady as I should say .

It was not just any woman , it was Nadin and the next thing I heard her say was " I seriously have a serious question. Why is all I have to do is turn or lower my head and walk to bang on Shams's chest? Is this our qadr of meeting? Is this how we're always going to meet? I mean I know he's well built, tall and handsome but I..." I kinda wanted her to complete but her words made me really happy and heck yeah she was right. Every time we meet she bangs on my chest.

"And you what ? " I asked her and she acted confused then asked what I was talking about.

I laughed and asked her " oh you think you were talking to yourself ". She didn't answer and looked away. I found it really funny that I still had a smile on my face even after she left and I followed her. I'm sure she felt me following her but she never turned.

She reached the car before me and at first it looked like she was going in the front seat but then opened the back door which meant she left the front for me. How sweet of my wife to be inshallah.

Through out the ride, the kids were talking about how they loved when all the men say "Ameen" in union after the imam.

I on the other hand took out my phone and was on my Instagram when I seen the color red it reminded me of Nadin's prom dress so I texted her asking if she was ready for tomorrow. I heard her gasped really loud but said her heart was beating really fast. I was thinking about her when Yasir told his siblings to get off so he could park the car. I didn't even notice that we reached his house .

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