Chapter 14 : The day after Shams came over

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This is the longest chapter I've wrote so far. I hope you enjoy it. There might be a lot of mistakes please point it out so I correct it later on ..

Nadin's POV

I was so mad at my self for what I wore, I should've been smarter. You know what? Maybe it wasn't my fault my brother didn't tell us he was coming home with someone.

I made a sad face and got up to pray, reciting some Quran then I tried to sleep. When I put my head on my pillow and my duvet over me, I heard my phone beep, indicating that I got a message.

Guess who the message was from. It was from the one and only Shams asking me about earlier. I felt so embarrassed that I didn't wanna talk about today's incident.

Me: nothing happened
Him: what were u looking for when you pointed your head out the kitchen?
Me: oh, I was looking for something 😅
Him: hmmm something or someone ?
I felt really uncomfortable about this, my heart was beating and I was a little nervous but happy that I'm talking to him.

Me: yeah I was looking for my older brother.
Him: it seemed to me that you were looking for the person you crashed into. ;)
Me: about that, why didn't you tell me you were coming earlier ?
Him: I really didn't know I was coming as it was kinda unplanned.
Me: if only I knew you were coming, I would have dressed and presented my self better.
Him: don't worry habibty, just make sure you're always dressed in modesty and I'll try to inform you whenever I'm coming in case your brother forgets. ;)

How can I not be happy with the person I fell in love with? He literally just made me feel better and relaxed. May Allah bless him.

We said our salams and I laid on my bed again, I smiled to my self and thought about our convo before I dozed of to sleep.


"Riiiing" my alarm rang as I woke up to sound of it then turned it off. I sat up them check my phone for the time.

I stood up, went to the restroom and formed Wudu to pray fajr.

After the prayer, I went back to sleep then woke up again around 9:00am for breakfast. I went to clean myself them I wore my rope, tied my hair in a messy bun and went downstairs.

All my family were sitting and eating breakfast except for my older brother.

"Where is Yaya(Yasir) " I asked and my Little brother said that he hasn't woke up yet. I nodded and went in the kitchen to get some tea from the tea pot and pour it in my favorite mug.

"Wait it's Friday, why is no one at school " I asked confused and everyone including my mom started laughing. "Our vacation starts today dear sister" said abdulrahman, my second brother. I slightly hit my head trying to act like I forgot but in reality I didn't really know as no one talked about it.

" well then, get ready for jumaa prayer later, when you finish eating, make sure you all go and take shower" I told all of them.

"Good morning beautiful people" said yasir while he was still coming down the stairs in his rope as well with sweats under.

He greeted everyone and then came to where I was standing next to the marble top with my mug of tea and hair in a messy bun. He came and kissed my forehead then went behind me to the kitchen to get some tea as well.

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