Chapter 6 : wedding part 2 / senior year

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Nadin's POV

On our way to the wedding in the car, all I was thinking about what Lizzy, like I grew up with her, why would she do this to me?. She was the first friend I've ever had and trusted. But now she broke my heart and I'm hurt inside. All I want to do now is lock my self in a room a cry freely.

"We're here" said my brother with a smile on his face that I could see from the rear mirror.

We took 2 cars , one my cousin drove and the other my brother and I tagged along with him and some of my younger siblings.

When we got off the car , the place was bright and beautiful plus well decorated.

We walked in the hall and everyone was eyeing us , us as in my family and I. We saw our aunt come greet us and she hugged each and every one of us. The wedding was her sons.

A table was reserved for my family , we went and sat. It was an all gender wedding.

"Masha Allah , the bride looks stunning " I said as I turned and stared at her. I wonder how she feels being like a famous person tonight" said my cousin and I laughed. " what do you mean" I asked her while laughing. " I mean it's her day and everyone wants to take pictures with her " . I smiled to my cousin's response.

"That's gonna be you , Probably by the end of this year or next year" i told my cousin with a wink. She blushed and smiled. I mean she's getting married before me cuz she's older.

From our table I felt someone staring at me sideways , I looked up curiously and all I saw was a cute guy that looked like he's in his twenties. I lowered my gaze and murmured 'Astagfurullah'. I still felt like he was staring at me so I excused my self and grabbed my cousin to go to the restroom.

" I caught a cute guy staring at you the whole time you were sitting" she said and I smiled saying" you know I already got someone in mind " I blushed as I said it.

After the restroom we returned to our table and I caught the guy staring me the whole time as I was walking towards our table.

All I was thinking of was this guy was never though to never stare at girl in such way.

It felt weird that I asked my sister to switch seats with me. I was trying to enjoy but the thought of Lizzy kept coming in my mind.

My favorite song came on and everyone stood up to dance and so did I. I didn't care about the guy that was staring at me because he was nothing to me so there was no need to be shy or worried.

" I really had fun, and I can't wait for another wedding to turn up like this one" I said laughing to my cousin who was busy taking selfies in the car. I can't lie but her make up is on fleek.

"Can I join your selfie ?" I asked whining and she nodded. I really looked so different with make up.

We finally arrived home and I ran up the stairs to my room to shower and pray.

When I came out the shower , my cousin was already in my room taking more selfies. This girl never gets tired of taking pictures.

We both prayed and hit the bed, I had asked her to sleep with me as my bed was big and enough for us, plus it's vacation which means no sleep.

We hit the bed and everyone was on their phone trying to upload a cute picture on Instagram. " that guy that was staring at you was actually cute" my cousin said as she was smiling .

She reminded me of my guy. He asked me to send him some pictures from the wedding. I sent him some pictures and he didn't compliment after he seen it , he called me instead.

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