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Kaila's POV
I watched out the window as Ethan drove away. I've never been so heartbroken. He's really leaving me. Right now and he promised he never would. I can't get the thought of him seeing Melissa out of my head.........yup, I'm about to be the crazy girlfriend. I slipped on my shoes and grabbed my keys. I drove in silence to Melissa's house as I pulled in the drive way, there sat his car. He actually went to her house. I cannot believe what I'm seeing. I put the car in park, wiped my tears, and got out. I walked to the door and took a deep breath before knocking. No answer but I heard yelling. I twisted the door knob slowly until the door swung open. I stepped in and closed the door back as silent as possible. I walked up stairs following the yelling I heard earlier. I walked up to a door and put my ear against it. "Why would you text that?" A male yelled and I knew that it was Ethan. "Don't know. I was feeling a bit risky." Melissa said trying to sound seductive. "That was a one time thing Melissa. I've changed!" He yelled the last part. "Oh please. You actually expect me to believe that you've changed. She hasn't changed you. She's just some lowlife, I've never liked the girl. Nobody really has, so to be honest I don't know why you're with her." Her words stung. "Don't you dare fucking talk about her like that. I love her and I'll be damned if I lose her because of you." He said choking on his words. He was crying. "Just one more time." She said and I couldn't listen anymore. I ran downstairs and got in my car.
I drove to my spot where Ethan and I had recently had a picnic. I sat in the car and cried. I got out eventually and sat down on the ground playing with the grass. "Okay here's what it is." A male voice yelled and I screamed. "You don't have to say anything but just listen," I jumped up and I held my chest breathing heavy seeing that it was Ethan. He sighed before continuing, "I've been thinking, I don't know much about relationships. I barley know anything about love, I can't believe I talked like I did, I didn't. But I do know that all I want, like, in the world, is to just keep talking to you. I wanna know how your day was, where you wanna eat, and I wanna argue with you. And I wanna hear all your theories, even the ones, that are, you know, wrong. And I know now, that it's not that simple. Especially after what has happened. I'm sorry for that and I'm sorry for leaving you. I just believe that if you're willing to continue having this conversation with me, then we can figure the rest out. Truth is, I've never met anyone like you before. If I've done anything right in my life so far, it was falling for you. I've realized I'm much more like myself when I'm with you. Nobody else makes me feel like it's okay to be myself besides you. I'll never forget the first time I looked into your eyes and my entire world flipped. It scares the hell out of me because you mean more to me than any other person. You're everything I think about, everything I want, and everything I need. I just fell so hard and I couldn't help myself." I ran to him and jumped in his arms. Why can't I let myself be mad at him? Why can't I let go? Why him?

I don't like the saying "if you love something, set it free." Because if you love something, your natural instinct is to hold on to it, cherish it, and never let go. By telling you to let it go, you may foolishly do so, and that thing, whatever it is that you love, is gone. Maybe temporarily, or perhaps permanently. Why would you want to risk that? If you love something, you better hold onto it and never, ever let go. So that's what I have to remember because I love Ethan.

I love this chapter personally. Let me know what you think. See y'all later.

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