Ghost Touches

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It's still there.

Licking my lips, I can still almost taste the saltiness of where my lips pressed against her.

Barely even a split second of contact and somehow I can still feel where I kissed her on my lips. I don't understand. How can one little moment be on my mind so much? But I've been thinking about it all day and I can't seem to stop. I just don't know why it seems to matter so much. It was just a kiss on the cheek. She was nice to me and I gave her a kiss on the cheek. There's nothing wrong with doing something like that. Yet I feel all uncomfortable and guilty about it for some reason.

I guess I'm just not sure why I did it and that's what bothers me. I could've given her a hug, or a friendly punch in the arm the way she likes to do to me when we're having fun. But I didn't do that. I gave her a kiss. And that just bugs me for some reason. It doesn't make any sense. There was nothing special about it. A kiss on the cheek is just that... a kiss on the cheek. I've done it before. To all sorts of different people on so many different occasions. Family, friends, people who've been really nice to me, but none of them bugged me as much as this time when I kissed Faith on the cheek.

Was it because of Faith? Because we've been spending so much time together and having so much fun? I've had fun with other people. There's nothing special about that. But now with Faith it is special. I don't understand. Plus, the way Faith reacted was kinda weird. She was kind of uncomfortable about it. Why should she feel uncomfortable about a kiss on the cheek? There was nothing special about it. Did she have to react the way she did?

Why did she act so weird about it? Could she have not liked it so much she was disgusted by it? What's there to be disgusted about? It was just a kiss on the cheek. Is she so weirded out by it that she's not going to show up on Saturday at Slash? Does she not want to hang out with me anymore because of it? I should talk to her. Maybe I could go by the dojo after school or something. Or I could call her. Yeah, calling her might be a good idea. Then I could ask her whether she was freaked out by it or something. If she wasn't, then it was just me and I'm being nuts.

But what if it wasn't just me? What if she was freaked out by it and she doesn't want to spend time with me anymore? She doesn't need to be freaked out by it. All it was... is a kiss on the cheek. It's not like that's a crime or something. Faith was nice to me and I gave her a kiss on the cheek to thank her for it. That's all. Maybe if I explain that to her she'll want to hang out with me again. I don't even know whether she's even thinking like I am. Why am I getting so freaked out about the idea that she might not want to spend time with me anymore when I don't know that it's what she's thinking?

I don't understand. Why is this so important to me? What is it about this kiss on the cheek that has me so freaked out? It's not like it was really even a kiss. It was more of a peck. A peck on the cheek. That's what it was. Barely even worth thinking about. Yet for some reason I can't stop. There isn't even enough of a memory in my head to think about it all that much. Any second now I'm gonna stop thinking about it. I know I am. Any second now.



I look up from my math book at the teacher and I have no clue what's going on. Mrs. Hutchinson is staring at me disapprovingly and the rest of the class has their eyes on me.

Oh crap, what's going on?


"Would you mind not tapping your pencil quite so loud? It's distracting the students around you from my lesson."

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