Turning Back

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The Marauders continued to search for the person the person who poisoned Sirius and the others. They were sitting in the common room. Remus was looking for what was in the potion. All he had so far was Leech juice which causes nausea.

"Remus, you really hit the nail on the head this time bud. This is going to be useful for a prank sooner or later." James said patting Remus on the back. He looked into the bottle and then looked around the room to the people in the room. He then laughed and looked at Sirius as Remus started to say,

"I don't recommend that James. I don't really think anyone wants to see that." He said slightly directing his attention to Y/n.

Y/n was heading a book on a girl Keo and how she died, watching her parents look for her. It was pretty sad, but that's what makes her want to read it more. She heard they were making a movie, so she wanted to read it first. She was still shaken from when Sirius yelled at her. Did he mean it when he asked her whether she hung out with other boys? Did he really think she would be like that? She didn't want to think about it. The whole situation was going around the school. Y/N didn't know who even spread it because she and the other three didn't. Sirius walked into the room and said,
"Let's go to the Great Hall. Maybe we can eat something quick." They all agreed. Y/N was super hungry and she hadn't drunken anything since the incident. As they walked into the Great Hall all 4 houses went silent. MgGonnagall went up the podem and started saying,
" I have heard news from Peeves that someone has poisoned a pupils drink in the hospital wing. Would that  be true? If so please head your way to Dumbledores office please." She walk away, looking pale and nervous. James saw the people walk out the hall and in the direction of Dumbledores office. Y/n are very little and was more focused on the situation. She saw Remus stirring his food around his plate as Sirius played with his hair, thinking of a way to over come the problem. James tried to start conversations every few minutes but no one answered. They were all thinking to hard.
"Hey, maybe we should just move on? I mean it could have just been a side affect from the tea." James said looking at his friends pale faces.
"We can't just move on! You weren't even there! Sirius had a 'lash out' and you think we can all just move on?" Y/n got out from under the table and headed toward her dorm.

While she was writing someone knocked on the door. She didn't say anything but continued to write the letter to her parents.

Dear Mum and Dad,
I wanted to tell you that school is fantastic and that I'm getting a higher grade in potions! Anyway James and I are doing great. James is doing amazingly well in Quidditch. I know cause I watch his games. Anyway, talk to you spring break!
(She still played quidditch but their parents didn't know.)
The knocking stopped and the a
sudden rattling with keys. She had do idea who would have keys to girls dorms, but assumed it was Dumbledore. When the door opened she saw the one and only Arthur?

Arthur had longish orange hair and hazel eyes. He had terrific grades, and his elective was Muggle Studies. His girlfriend was Molly Weasley, prefect of Gryffindor house. Arthur was also Gryffindor and they had been together since their 3rd year.

"What are you doing here?" Y/n asked sternly.
"I was told to come up here Y/n." He said looking around the room.
"By who?"
"Lucius Malfoy." Just as Arthur said that Lucius walked into the room.

So guys! What are your thoughts? I enjoyed making this turn in the story, 🌚. Well vote and comment down below!


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