Quidditch is a snitch p1

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It was the first game of the season. On of the most important games of the season too, so everyone was more excited than usual. The sun was going down as the two team captains shook hands. It was Gryffindor Vs. Slytherin, which would be extremely intense due to the hatred between the two houses. The game would be starting soon, as the contender who was Revinin  Whisp. Soon the match began, the snitch was thrown into the air. Sirius and James flew into the sky. One of the Slytherin chasers caught the quaffle and headed toward the scoring area. Y/N knew lots about quidditch cause the, well James and Sirius pretty much only talk about Quidditch. She also read "Quidditch Through The Ages" during her second year. Once the chaser got toward the scoring area, it was the Keeper's turn to shine. A Gryffindor keeper then hit the quaffle as it was flying toward the highest ring. Y/N cheered as Sirius then hit the bludger one of the Slytherin hit. The bludger then flew across the field and landed into the lower left hoop. Gryffindor's all across the seats stood up and cheered Sirius's name. Y/N was one of the loudest though. Sirius then turned to the crowd seeing Y/N. He smiled his signature smile making most of the girls swoons. James then laughed out loud clapping Sirius on the back as Y/N blushed. Soon the game was over, James had caught the snitch and won the addition 150 points. James and Sirius then walked toward the common room.

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