Dinner in the Great Hall

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It was another dinner. Y/N still wanted to know who Padfoot was even though it was probably a joke, or another one of the Slytherins pranks. Padfoot was probably some weird perverted Gryffindor, or something like that she thought to herself. She started talking to her brother James questions. Maybe he knew who Padfoot was. 

"Hey James. Any idea who Padfoot is?" James started to laugh hysterically. 

"What? Who is he???" Y/N asked. James walked toward Sirius and whisper a few words. He instantly blushed and then smiled his signature smile. 

She finally realized who Padfoot was. It was Sirius. I mean, thinking about it- i mean it was pretty obvious.  She sat down next to Sirius, trying to be as chill as possible, but it's not as easy as you think.  They continued to talk about Quidditch even though she herself would probably never play it herself. James was really good though and their parents encouraged Y/N to play since she was 3. Dinner was almost over. It was not only the end of the day but also the first Quidditch match of the season. James was seeker and Sirius was beater, her, Remus and Peter would watch the game, and then have a party in the common room. It would be the Hogwarts dream some would call it. She found it stupid, all she wanted to do was read her book in her dorm.

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