Part 7

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Frank's pov

I woke up with a smile on my face. I haven't done that in years. Remembering the texts me and Gerard had last night made me so happy. I wonder if he likes me? No, not someone like me. He's probably straight anyway. I got out of bed with a frown. Sometimes I don't get why I can't be like other boys. Strong and straight. At least that's what I think boys have to be like. They like blue and boy stuff. I like pink and girl stuff. Oh my life is so hard. hopefully today will be a good day, im kinda looking forward to it. i got out if bed and went downstairs. "Hay frank, im in the kitchen honey" my mom called for me. "Hey mom. How did you sleep?" She put a plate of colorful pancakes in front of me. "I slept pretty good, thanks for asking" i smiled at her. i ate my breakfast pretty slow. I took time to admire my mom. She was such a strong woman.

I finished my food in about 20 minutes. I put my plate in the sink and screamed to my mom I was going out. Since it was Saturday, i decided to go to the mall, i might get a new pair of shoes. I wondered if Gerard wanted to come. I decided to invite him.

Frank: Hey Gerard, wanna come to the mall with me today?

Gerard: sure, ill be over in about 10 minutes

Frank: Alright sounds good

I smiled at the texts. He actually wanted to come with me. No one ever likes me enough to come with me anywhere. they all say im a little princess that gets whatever they want and a drama queen. But what I don't get is they don't even know me. i walked to my closet and put on a black skirt and a misfits shirt that was a little too big for me. I put on my checkered vans and grabbed my wallet and bag. when i was done getting ready, i heard my phone ding. I looked at the text and it was Gerard.

Gerard: hey im here

I ran outside and I saw his car. When I saw him in a divers side my stomach decided to become a gymnast. My heart started to pound and I wanted to faint when i saw him. He was just too perfect. I opened the car door. Here we go i thought. No going back now. " hey Frankie!" he smiled and looked up at me as i slid into the car. The nickname made me explode. "Hey Gee!"

as we drove to the mall we listened to music we didn't talk much tho.. it wasn't an awkward silence. we would look at each other every now and than. we finally arrived and as we got out of the car, he walked over to e and held my hand. my face started to glow, but i didn't want him to know i was blushing. I looked down at our hands and smiled. "So pumpkin, where do you wanna go first?" he asked looking down at me, since he was a good 5 inches taller than me. I thought for a second an looked up and smiled. "I wanna go to Claires!" And that's how our adventure started.
I am so sorry. I really need to update more😂 I'll be updating a lot more in the summer tho. I've had so much testing and crazy stuff happening in my life, but like I said, I'll be updating more soon! Enjoy reading!

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