Part 1

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"FRANK GET YOUR ASS OUT OF BED" screamed my mom. My eyes slowly open, sticking slightly together. Ugh I hate Monday mornings. Well anyway, my name is frank, and I'm a prince. I don't know how I am, but I am. Normal people would thing does a prince have to go to a public school? Yes, yes I do. I don't get why I can't just get a private tutor or be homeschooled. But mom says it's good I go to a public school because I'll have more friends. The truth is, I get beat up... A LOT. I don't know why tho, I'm really nice. I don't know, maybe its cause of the way i dress. This guy named Bob beats the shit out of me almost every day.I roll out of bed and change into a Misfits shirt with black skinny jeans and a pair of black Converse. I go to the toilet to take a whiz while texting my one and only friend Ray.
Frank:You coming to school today?
Ray: Yeah you?
Frank:yeah I'll meet you outside by the gates in 20 mins
Ray: alright see ya
I sighed; pulling my pants up and adding some eyeliner to my under eyes before heading downstairs. "Hey sweetie", "Hey mom". "How did you sleep?" "Pretty crappy but it's fine". I haven't been getting sleep lately because of all the school work I have. " Oh I'm sorry sweetie, that seems terrible. Would you like some pancakes?". " Yeah thanks ma". My mom usually cooks and cleans cause she wants to feel normal, so we don't have a lot of maids or cooks. My mom hands me my pancakes and I eat as I scroll through Tumblr. I put my plate in the sink and grab my bag. " BYE MOM HAVE A GOOD DAY" I so lovingly screamed to my mom. "THANKS YOU TOO HONEY". I usually just walk to school cause I only live a couple blocks away. So as I walk I plan how I'm going to avoid Bob. I could possibly come in the back entrance or the side even. I get to the gate quicker than usual and I don't even notice my feet have stopped. " Hey you OK man?" Ray asks concerned. " Oh yeah I'm fine, sorry". We walk into the school and we walk to our lockers which are a couple lockers apart from each other. As I turn to look at Ray I see him, Bob.
So I'm really bad at writing so this is probably soooo bad haha. Well I hope you enjoy it anyway I'll try to post new chapters at least 4 times a week. So until next time bye ~conner

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