Chapter 7

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Hey...I'm actually keeping up with 3-4 days between updates.... :D

Anyways, I decided that we needed something new, so this chapter is not from Scarlett's POV. it doesn't change halfway through either; all of the chapter is in one persons point of view. And that would be......*drumroll please* Clarissa's POV!

Without further ado, chaper 7!

~~~~~Clarissa's POV~~~~~~

It had startled me out of my work, currently being in the middle of writing some paperwork. Something was wrong with someone, I could tell. A burst of fear and pure terror had pushed its way into my heart. Suddenly, I felt my heart rate speed up and tears come to my eyes. I blinked them away; sure that I was not the only one who felt this way, because moments later the door to my room busted open and Ramon, Lenora, Loretta and Adonis all appeared in front of me. Looking them over, I could tell that every single one of them were attempting to sleep. They were all disheveled; Ramon’s hair was sticking up in certain place.

                “I am guessing that the trouble is with none of you, right?” I asked my voice sharper than it normally would be. If nothing was wrong with them then something was wrong with Scarlett. Simultaneously, they all nodded. “I think it’s time we see what’s going on in Scarlett’s head right now….” I let my voice trail off at the end. We all entered Scarlett’s head. As with all Angel’s, since she had already met all of us, her mind was now connected with all of ours.

                I never guessed what we all would see upon entering her mind.

                I gasped as I drew myself out of her thoughts when Celine arrived there, and I heard the others having similar reactions. “I knew that her sister had been murdered, but I never imagined….” Loretta started off, her voice sympathetic and kind. She normally never voiced her thoughts and the fact that she did just now surprised me.

                “None of us had imagined that she would be the one to find the body, Loretta. I assumed that some passerby had heard the screams and called the police,” I told her gently. I could tell that she had been on the verge of tears just from what she had seen. “Do you want me to?” I gestured at her head.

                “No. I want to remember this. Maybe it will be more helpful to understand Scarlett.” With that, she turned around and left the room. I assumed that she left because she did not want us to see her cry. No matter how many times she cried, Lenora was the only one that Loretta was comfortable with. It was something that I could not fathom.

                Silently, I looked back to the others. They all looked traumatized, but Lenora only met my eyes for a moment before turning around and leaving the room, probably to comfort Loretta. This would not be the first time that she left for that reason. Adonis and Ramon were still looking at me. I did not know what to say, one of the few times. I had never been in a situation such as this. Finally, Adonis broke the silence.

                “At least Celine went there to help her get back to sleep. I do not know if I can stand another one of those,” he told us truthfully. You could hear in his voice that he was not as young as his appearance portrayed.  Ramon nodded in response to his statement. “Well, I will be going now.” He looked at me respectfully, asking me for my permission. I inclined him slightly with my hand, and he left the room, shutting the door behind him.

                “I guess this explains why she’s so jumpy.” Ramon spoke after the longest time, his voice echoing in the room.

                “It does.” I glanced down at the papers that were scattered across my desk. I wanted to get my mind off of Scarlett and actually get some work done!

                “Look,” Ramon paused, running a hand through his hair, “Can we speak for a moment?”

                “Of course.” I nodded at the same time. “But first, please sit down.” Ramon took the seat on the other side of my desk. “I’m assuming it involves Scarlett; am I right?” He nodded and took a deep breath. When he expelled it, the papers on my desk moved away from him slightly. He did not notice. “She’s really bothering you.” It was not a question; it was a statement.


                “Well come on then; spit it out. It’s not going to be any better if you do not say anything.” My hands involuntarily lay flat across the desk. This was bound to be interesting.

                “How can she seem so normal if in reality she has seen a horrific sight?” He said the words quickly, and seemed to regret it immediately.

                “I don’t have the answer to that question. You’ll have to ask her.” I was being truthful. I had also been surprised at Scarlett’s level of normality.

                “Why did you not share all the information of her past with her? Why have you not yet explained to her what an Angel does? Why-“I cut him off with a motion of my hand, smiling slightly.

                “What is this, an interrogation? Anyways,” I continued, not letting him answer. “I don’t know how much in depth of her past she can handle. I know that it does not seem too right, but I could not give her all the details.”

                “Doesn’t she deserve to know that her father is truly dead?”

                “I know that she does, but I cannot be sure that she can handle that. You saw what happened to her after we explained her past to her.” It was true; Scarlett had almost seemed to be in a coma after that story. Ramon did not have anything else to say.

                “What about her mother? Couldn’t we have given her the full truth about her mother?” Ramon had an endless amount of questions, obviously.

                “I don’t know if we should share that with her. It might just put her over the top. Learning all that information in a single day, in one sitting would not be good for anyone, especially someone her age.” Ramon slowly nodded, piecing my words together in his head. He knew that I was right; that we would tell her when we were sure that she could handle that. “As for not truly explaining what an Angel does, well, I just wanted to wait a bit before telling her that. She does not need to hear that so soon….” I cut myself off. Ramon knew of what I was speaking of.

                I could hear Ramon take another breath, about to launch into another string of questioning, but I stopped him. “I know you have more questions, but I cannot answer them just yet. You are going to have to wait a little while. For now, let’s just try to figure out how Scarlett got that scar. I’m assuming that it’s a sensitive spot and I do not really want to ask her about it.” Silently, he turned and exited the room. Knowing that I was not going to get any more work done, I pushed the papers away. Right now, I wanted to piece together Scarlett’s life.

                Entering Ramon’s mind, I could see that he was working on piecing together her life. But he was also trying to figure out exactly what I had meant. It took him a few moments before finally understanding. A wave of sadness passed through him and he shook his head sadly. Scarlett’s life was not going to be easy, but nobody could control destiny. Not even me.

                She really did deserve the entire truth, but I could not bring myself to tell her it. I could not even imagine the heartbreak that would come upon her face. She would be destroyed, and I could not let myself do that.


A/N:I hope this gave you a little more insight into Scarlett's past and her life..... and hopefully made you ask some questions about her as well.

That was really the main point of this chapter :D

Should I feel like an idiot that i just realized what A/N stands for? I kinda do...

Anyways, I hope you liked the chapter and remember to comment, vote and fan if you haven't already done so...

Thank you for reading this!


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