Chapter 6

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This is dedicated to GabyEliza because her comments never fail to make me smile!:D

Sorry for not uploading sooner. i was out all day a few days ago and my laptop shut down after that. I won't try to take up to much more of your time now. On to chapter 6!


The shower was certainly refreshing and had relaxed me very much, but the thing I really wanted to do was get back to Sierra’s journal. That just didn’t seem right to me. I’d been in Sierra’s room so many times since she passed, and not once had I ever noticed or felt that journal beneath me. I hope I wasn’t imagining it. Already, I was beginning to question my sanity. Which is understandable considering the circumstances.

“Scarlett!” My mom called as she walked up the stairs. “Did you want to have dinner or just go to sleep? If you want to sleep, I’ll leave a plate for you in the fridge, okay?”

“Yeah, can I do that?” I yelled back, loudly, wincing when my voice cracked. It had been doing that a lot lately, and it was extremely irritating. I had no idea what was causing it, but I had a sneaking suspicion that it had something to do with Clarissa and the others.  Almost as if they wanted to make sure that I didn’t forget them….

Shaking myself out of my thoughts, I looked around the hallway before ducking into Sierra’s room. People didn’t really like me going in here; I guess they didn’t want me to ruin her room. I don’t think they understood that the only reason I ever went in here was because I wanted to remember her. I wanted to remember the way she looked, the way she acted and the way she sounded. I was already forgetting that, and she had only passed away a few years ago. Same time I got the scar…

A large shudder ran down my spine at that memory. I stumbled over to her bed; my legs unnaturally heavy and seemingly unbalanced as I tried to walk. I literally fell down on top of her bed, the journal sandwiched between my stomach and the bed’s comforter. I knew that my Mom would get worried if I wasn’t in my bedroom soon, and she would never dare to look in here. She would merely wait outside for me until I came out; the disappointment clear in her eyes. I could never stand seeing that. I hated disappointing people.

                I quickly moved into my room after closing Sierra’s room door quietly. Nobody saw me leave her room and I breathed a sigh of relief. I took a deep breath before entering my room. Reaching up I shut off the light switch and turned on the small lamp on my bedside table. Settling into my bed I picked up the journal and opened it. The first sentence blew me away.

March 17, 2008

                Why? Why did my mother, our mother have to leave us? What did Scarlett or I ever do wrong to her?

I had always wondered who our mother was, but I’d never wondered if it was either of our faults. Naturally, I had just assumed that she’d left us because she had nothing, or there was nothing she could do to protect or keep us. I had always thought that she just couldn’t support us, and that she would have kept us if she could. I had always thought that she wanted us, and had always loved us.

                I’d never thought that I could be wrong.

                Apparently Sierra had.

                Taking a deep breath, I continued to read on, wondering what had run through Sierra’s mind.

                Sometimes I wish that we had never been given up. Or that I had never been given up. I would like to think that Scarlett and I would always be kept together, but that is not necessarily true.

                I mean, I love Scarlett. Really, I do. But I’ve always wondered what would have happened if we had been split up at birth, if we had never met each other before. I wonder what our lives would be like. As of now, I cannot imagine a life without Scarlett. We are polar opposites, but we have always been best friends.

                Life without her is not something that I can imagine. And I am sure that she feels the exact same way.

                Unintentionally, I slammed the book shut. I could not bear to read more, at least not right now. Nobody had ever really gained enough access into Sierra’s head to understand her, and that was how she liked it. It didn’t feel right to read this journal of hers. I don’t think that she would have wanted me to read something this personal. So, I was going to take my time reading this. I wanted it to feel right reading this and that meant that I would have to take my time.

                Slowly, I relaxed my head against the pillow. The second my lamp had been turned on I felt myself getting sucked into my dreamland. Good-night.


                I was running through the neighborhood, as fast as I could. I could hear the screams in the direction of our house, and the voice sounded strikingly familiar. The voice sounded like Sierra’s. She sounded like she was in trouble. I could feel that she was in trouble.

                The front door was open. It was never open. Even though it was, that slowed me down more than a closed door would have. Still, I pushed through it, expecting to see my sister standing up and laughing at my stupidity for sprinting like that.

                She wasn’t.

                “Sierra! Sierra!” I screeched at the top of my lungs as I ran through the house, looking for her. I couldn’t find her. Until I tripped over something large and warm. I glanced down and my vision became clouded with red for a second. My hands reached up and pushed my bangs out of my face, wishing that I had had a hair-tie with me.

                I dropped to my knees beside what I had tripped over. “Sierra, Sierra. Why won’t you wake up?” I cried looking at her body. Tears started running down my face, once again clouding my vision. Slowly, I rolled her body over. Before looking at her, I looked up. Blood was splattered across the walls, almost like it was painted there.

                I woke up shrieking. My door busted down as my Mom and Dad came running in. “Honey, are you alright?” I looked from one face to another, watching as first concern, then understanding filled their eyes. “If you want to talk, just tell me. We’ll be in our room,” she whispered softly then pulled my dad out my bedroom door behind her. He quietly closed the door, not before shooting me a concerned glance.

                They didn’t know what it felt like. They hadn’t found her body. I had.

                “Scarlett?” I heard a quiet whisper from inside my room, and I’m sure that I shot up a few feet.

                “Oh, it’s just you,” I mumbled, breathing a sigh of relief. It was only Celine.

                “Are you alright? I could hear you screaming,” she told me, smirking.

                “I’m pretty sure I wasn’t that loud.” Now, my smirk matched hers. I yawned, and Celine’s  smiled.

                “Would you like me to stay with you while you sleep? It might help.” Her voice had softened once again, and I relaxed. I nodded my head once more and curled into a ball under the covers. “Good-night Scarlett,” were the last words I heard before finally falling asleep- peacefully, this time.


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