Chapter 11

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--6 years later--

I walked into the back of the house quietly,not bothering to close to door,just in case I needed a quick escape.

I made my way up the padded stairs and to the bedroom.

This woman was 36 and she lived alone.

Not a wise decision.

As I got up to the door, I could see that it was cracked open.

I slowed myself just in case she was awake, and opened the door just about 2 feet so I could squeeze in.

The room was dark and there was no noise.


At all.

It was too quiet for a normal bedroom.

I didn't hear the soft breathing of a sleeper, or the occasional toss of the body.

It was silent.

I made my way over to the bed and pulled the covers towards me gently, revealing the woman.

She was indeed there, but the matress and sheets were stained in blood, and it looked like she had been thrashing.

Her eyes were glued on something that wasn't there and she had a large gash in her neck and multiple stab wounds over her arms and legs.

"This is a lovely way to start my night off. Somebody stole my goddamn kill!" I grumbled.

I frowned and glared at the body.

I reached my hand over and slapped her dead face.

"Bitch. You got yourself killed by someone else. When I get home, words are going to be thrown, and probably people too." I hissed.

"It's rude to slap dead people and call them names." a male voice said from behind me.

I turned my head slowly and saw a white hooded guy with his face shadowed by the hood.

"Im guessing you stole my kill?" I asked.

"That's correct. Now tell me, why is a little girl such as yourself here with the intent to kill?" he asked smugly.

I brought my scythe forward.

"Because. I need to satisfy something and right now, your the only thing within range." I growled.

"Come at me." he said, rushing towards me.

I put my scythe horizontally in front of me and as he went to go around, I spun it and slammed it into his side.

He fell with a grunt and went to stand up.

I heard sirens racing down the street.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!? You let her scream!?" I yelled.

"I enjoy it." he mumbled, finally getting to his feet.

"I'll deal with you some other time. I gotta go before some idiot ass cop thinks he can take me." I snapped, running towards the back window and busting out through the glass.

I fell and rolled on the ground, shooting up and raving towards the fence.

It was chain link so I cleared it easily.

I landed on the other side and snuck a quick glace back.

That weirdo was following me!

"Look motherfucker, I don't have time for you!" I yelled as I continued down the row of houses and towards the woods.

"Language,princess!" he yelled back.

The one sentence made me stop and spin around.

I turned my scythe into a blade and pointed it at him.

"Never. Never call me that. That id a reserved nickname for someone I used to know, and I do not appreciate you talking like him." I snarled.

"I struck a nerve~" he sang as he stalked towards me.

His hood had fallen off and I could see his face clearly it was so pale,almost like snow, and he had a large smile engraved into his face.

"What the fuck? What the fuck do they call you, Emoticon?" I asked,beginning to laugh.

He seemingly frowned.

"No, I'm known as-" the barking of K-9 units stopped him.

"Later, asshole!" I yelled as I flashed away, running through the woods and making sure I wasn't followed.

I made it to the mansion and busted through the door panting.

BEN looked at me from the couch.

"Were you fucking, or running? Or are you just pissed?" he asked.

"Not in the mood,BEN. I just lost a kill to some emoticon asshole." I growled, stalking towards the kitchen.

"I would be pissed, too. Wait,so someone stole your kill?" he asked.

"Yes. Some bastard with a creepy face." I said as I opened the fridge.

Nothing good in here...

To my secret cabinet.

I opened it and grabbed a pack of Chips Ahoy cookies.

I closed it and went to the fridge and grabbed the milk, then grabbed a glass.

I sat there and ate about 10 cookies before I felt satisfied and I put everything away.

Toby walked in and instantly opened the freezer to get some waffles.

He made half of the box.

"That's just wasting waffles, bro."I said,looking at Toby.

He shook his head but didn't answer me directly.

I shrugged and walked out of the kitchen and over to the couch.

"Rainbow Road, again? Stop torturing kids." I grumbled.

"Then you stop torturing little kids on fucking Skyrim Online."

"No. That's for a good cause. A charity." I stated.

"Really, and what charity is that?" he asked.

"Make Tiffany Feel Like a Boss Foundation. It is a very good cause."I stated sarcastically.

"Whatever." he grumbled and went back to his game.

I went up the stairs and into my room.

I messed around with some people online, then decided to take a shower.

I played a random playlist and the songs played in a random order.

Gives you Hell, Demons, Centuries, Just Ins Yesterday, Where Did The Party Go, Ode to Sleep, and finally I got out and into the steamy bathroom.

I wrapped myself in a towel and dried myself off, and put my pajamas on.

I found the way to my bed and curled up under the sheets.

I finally was able to get to sleep after about an hour of thinking that that dude was very similar to someone I knew.

Maybe not. oh well.


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