Chapter 10

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Their cars were off, but you could still tell they were police cars.

They had somehow figured out that Troy was next.

Wasn't that hard.

Keith gets killed, he's connected to Troy.

I knew exactly how I was going to play this card.


I kept walking and walked up to the house.

I heard several clicks and then several policemen scream "Freeze!".

I smirked evilly behind my hood.

I put my hands up slowly, wiping the smirk off if my face and turning around.

They all looked surprised to see that the killer was a young girl.

Their guards dropped and I could see the stance change.

Everyone's guns lowered just slightly, and they weren't so tense.

"Bad move." I growled, bringing my scythe out and running the blade smoothly through the semicircle of cops.

Bodies dropped and blood splattered.

"Like a boss." I said, bringing up my middle finger to the corpses.

I let the scythe turn into the knife and I entered the house quietly.

I found Troy up for a late night snack.


I walked up behind him, cupping my hand over his chubby mouth and bringing the blade up to his throat.

"I wonder how long I would have to hack away at all that chin to get to your main artery..." I whispered.

He started to weakly thrash and let out muffled screams.

I gave a small, dark chuckle.

"Let's find out."

I ran the blade over his throat and unexpectedly, it went right the first time.

Blood poured from the wound like a fountain and his eyes rolled and darted frantically.

I let his mouth go and and fell to the ground, writhing in pain.

"Your only killing yourself quicker." I stated, rubbing my blade off on his shirt.

Tears streamed out of his eyes once he saw my face and I felt that horrifying pleasure course through me.

"I'll see you and Keith in Hell." I growled as I stood up and stepped over his twitching body.

I opened the backdoor wordlessly, and stepped out.

"I would hate to be the soul who finds all the bodies. Police need to up their smarts,too" I sighed as I started towards the fence.

I opened the gate and left into the woods, where I somehow knew I would find Slender.

I stopped after about 10 minutes to the same static sound I was greeted by hours ago.

"Well done, child. Welcome home." said Slender, his voice echoing around the forest.

In front of me appeared a mansion.

Slender Mansion.

I lived here now.

I was a killer.

I walked towards it and saw Slender standing on the porch.

As I stepped up the stairs, he opened the front door and walked in, and I followed.

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