Chapter 5

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I woke up the next morning, and I felt normal... But I didn't.

I felt like I was doing everything faster, not normal speed like I usually am.

I got dressed fast, throwing my "I Love Zombies" shirt and my black jeans.

The belt flew through the loops and I tied my shoes more quickly than I think I ever have.

I fastened my choker, and my bracelets, then put on my hoodie and put in my earbuds and began listening to "Just One Yesterday" by Fall Out Boy.

I did the rest of my morning routine,brushing hair, teeth, etcetera.

I rushed down the stairs and into the kitchen, grabbing my lunchbox and going out the door.

I pretty much ran over to Jeff's house, but as I turned the corner, I saw police patrol cars.

I put on full speed and tripped into the house.

"What's going on!?" I yelled as I stood up hastily.

Jeff stared at me for a second, before going back to yelling at the two policemen in the living room.

"He didn't do it! They pulled the knives on us!" he yelled, waving his hands around.

I knew what he was talking about.

"Randy and his bunch pulled the knives on us. The tried to steal Liu's wallet, too." I stated.

"And who are you?" one of them asked.

"I was there! I saw it!" I yelled,not answering their question.

"Who are you. What is your name." the officer said more sternly.

"Her name is Tiffany Jolly. She's my daughter. What's going on here?" my mom asked, stepping into the house.

"Well, this boy was caught by eye witnesses, beating up three boys. They say it's because they threatened them and stole their wallets,but you fled the scene. What does that tell us?"

I started screaming.


"Tiffany Jean! Watch your mouth." my mom grabbed my arm and gave it a squeeze.

"THAT'S THE REASON, THOUGH!" I said, trying to get out of my mothers grasp.

"Look,Tiff. You and Jeff don't have to take up for me. It's obvious it was me. Well,take me away."he sighed.

The officers cuffed him and started leading him away. Jeff and I both ran out into the front yard, still pleading for them to let him go.

They just ignored us and drive off.

I slumped onto the ground and felt something warm roll down my cheek.

I was crying. I haven't cried in years...

Jeff sat down next to me and wrapped his arms around me in a hug.

"Shhh, don't cry princess,it's gonna be okay." he said, begining to stroke my hair.

"B-but they took him..." I said quietly.

"Yeah, that's because he was stupid and took my blame. He went so far as to bruise himself up, too" he said, still stroking my hair.

I pushed my face into his shirt and gripped onto it tightly.

"They should have believed us. They did try to steal your wallets." I said quietly.

"Yeah, but they're the police. They don't have to believe anyone." he said,beginning to stand up and pull me up with him.

My mother popped out of Jeff's house.

"Sweetheart, do you wanna go home?" she asked taking a few more steps towards us.

I slightly looked up and Jeff.

"Yeah, I'll come over" he whispered to me.

We both started walking slowly towards my house, my mother following behind us.

Jeff had let go of me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder and held onto me tightly.

We reached my front door after ehat seemed like hours, and walked in.

We went straight up the stairs and into my room.

I flopped down on my bed and Jeff followed, sitting down and putting his back to the wall.

We layed there for a good 30 minutes before I sat up and looked over to Jeff.

He was asleep.

I went over to my dresser and turned my XBox on and turned the volume low and began to play Skyrim.

I realized after a few minutes, that I was just walking around waiting for something to jump at me so I could kill it.

I played for about 15 minutes until a weight pressed down next to me and I looked over and saw Jeff.

"Playing away your sadness?" he asked.

I gave a small nod and slammed my battleaxe down on a Mud Crabs head.

Jeff sighed.

"Are you killing for fun?" he asked.

I nodded.

"It needs to be done" I said quietly.

Out of the corner of my eye,I saw Jeff run his hand through his hair.

"I don't think this is healthy..." he started.

"I really don't care. I just want to kill everything in this game. Like I said,it needs to be done." I said, not taking my eyes off the screen.

Jeff sighed again.

"Whatever you wanna do." he said, leaning his back against the bed railing and resting his head on my shoulder.

I continued to play until I got hungry.

I paused my game.

"Where you off to? Are you going to go kill someone?"he asked sarcastically.

"No. Imma go murder a box of cookies." I said, getting up.

"Bring them back and we can have a killing spree" he laughed.

"Mkay" I said with a small chuckle.

I went down the stairs and into the kitchen, and over to the counter.

I grabbed a package of Oreos and two glasses that I filled with milk.

I carefully went back upstairs and into my room to see Jeff playing my game.

"What the frick,dude! Did you mess anything up!?" I said, attempting to walk fast and not spill anything.

He stood up and paused the game, reaching forward and grabbing a glass from me.

"Thank you~" he sang as he sat on the floor and made grabby hands at the Oreos.

"Jesus Christ,chill." I said, rolling my eyes and sitting down, peeling open the Oreo package in the process.

"Eating our way out of misery. Cheers."Jeff said,raising his glass up slightly.

"Cheers" I said with a slight smile.

We took turns playing for the next few hours until I fell asleep.

I awoke to being moved, and my mom's voice saying "we'll see you tomorrow.". I cracked my eyes open and figured out that Jeff was carrying me.

He lay be down on my bed gently and backed away,and out my door.

I listened until their voices became muffled, and the front door opening and closing.

I lay there,staring at my door. Finally, I fell into a dreamless sleep.

Word count:1130

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