Chapter 8

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We pulled up infront of the familiar home and got out of the car, walking inside in silence.

I went to head up the stairs, but my mom's voice stopped me.

"I'll be up with your ointment and pain killers later." she said.

"Yeah. Ok." I answered dryly.

I usually wasn't like this....

I went upstairs but before closing my door, I heard my name being mentioned downstairs.

I didn't close my door, but stood there and listened to my parents conversation downstairs.

"Im telling you, something's wrong with her!"my mom said to my dad.

"I think your overreacting. It's probably the medication she was on." my dad answered with a sigh.

"I don't believe it's the meds,Lee. There's something blank and emotionless in her eyes and it scares me!"

She had flipped out.

"Look, we'll discuss it at dinner. I don't really think something's wrong." he said reassuringly to my mom.

I frowned and closed my door, playing Skyrim until a knock on my bedroom door stopped me a few hours later.

"Dinner." the voice of my dad said.

I paused and saved my game, just in case, and went downstairs.

As he had said, my favorite dish along with salad and garlic bread was on the table.

I sat down in my usual seat and we dished out the food silently.

The few minutes of enjoyable silence was broke by my mom.

"Sweetheart, is there something bothering you?" my mom asked.

My hand froze, my grip tightening visibly on the fork.

"No. I'm fine." I mumbled, stuffing another bite of pasta in my mouth.

"I don't think-" I instantly stopped her.

"I. Am. Fine." I said, slightly raising my voice.

My dad looked at me,then my mom.

"I think she just needs some rest." he said, scraping the rest of his pasta up.

I finished everything and stood up, walking over to the sink, and putting my plate and silverware in.

"I'm gonna go back and play some more Skyrim..." I mumbled as I began to walk away.

"Ok, honey, I'll be coming in there at 10 to give you your medicine" she said as I made my way upstairs.

I grumbled a reply and shut my door, instantly drowning myself in my game.

10 o'clock rolled around and I had broken away from my game just long enough to get into my pajamas.

I had just picked my controller up before my mom came in without knocking.

"I have your stuff." she said, looking up to me.

I frowned.

"Privacy.." I growled quietly.

She ignored me and sat down on my bed, motioning me to come sit.

I did and turned my back towards her.

She moved my shirt aside and began rubbing the ointment on my burned shoulder.

I gritted my teeth as pain flicked and flashed throughout my body.

After she had finished, she gave me my pills as I a swallowed them like I usually did, with no water.

She told me goodnight and left.

I decided it was late enough so I saved and shut off my Xbox.

I crawled into my bed, being careful to avoid my shoulder, and lay down, pulling the cool sheets up my body.

"Something is wrong with me..." I sighed.

It seemed like hours before I finally went to sleep, but I did.

I awoke several hours later to see my phone read 4:28AM.

I grumbled and wobbled out of my bed with a hiss as my shoulder slumped down tiredly.

I made my way downstairs and got a glass of water, putting the glass in the sink, and going up to my room again.

I sat on my bed, just listening to the birds and crickets outside.

A soft sigh escaped my lips and I grabbed my phone and earbuds, randomly playing a song on my phone.

I didn't pay attention to what came on, I just stared blankly at my ceiling.

Then, one part of the song drifted into my into my mind and I mumbled it.

"Our brains are sick, but that's ok.." something scary had seeded itself in my mind at that moment, and I wanted to hurt something.

At this thought, a static sound pierced my ears and my head jerked backwards, my earbuds yanking from my ears,and my hands flying up to protect my ears.

My eyes flew open as the sound softened a little and I saw something in the corner of my room.

I looked at it up and down, but the thing that caught me was...

Was the blank face, white as snow.

My mind started filling with one name I had heard in all of my favorite fanfictions....


He was here.

In my room.

And he was real.

I stared at him, though instead of being petrified, I felt safe.

The noise completely died down and after a good long silence, he spoke.

"Child, express your anger on the people who ruined your life, let those lyrics sink in and that seed blossom." he said, withdrawing a beautifully designed blade.

It had a hilt that resembled a dragon, and a long, thin blade with glowing crimson veins pulsing on it's surface.

I was fixated on it, and I stood, taking small steps towards him with my hands extended.

He spoke again.

"Make your creation your reality." he said, and before my fingers could brush the blade, a black mist enveloped it and then it burst back to life as a duel-sided scythe, engulfed in a licking black flame.

Two words escaped my mouth.

"The Undertaker."

The OC who I had worked on for awhile was now a reality.

It was perfect in every way.

Everything that had happened...

Had all lead up to this.

My hand gripped the ebony hilt and in a small flash, the scythe disappeared, and a small black flame shape was embedded onto my skin.

"That's something I should have thought about.." I whispered to myself.

As I willed it to, the scythe came back as it's blade form, and with just a few mental commands,I could revert it and store it like I had had it forever.

"Go, child, and get your revenge." Slenderman's voice echoed as he disappeared and left me staring at my weapon in awe.

That seed of insanity was indeed spreading, and bloodlust crept up my body.

I knew tonight would be my last normal night.

And I also knew who my first kills would be.


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