Chapter 9

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I had quickly chosen something to put on,which consisted of red jeans, a normal shirt, a dark gray hoodie, and my usual accessories.

I pulled on my shoes after dressing and started to my bedroom door, but stopped and turned to my desk, which had my phone.

There was something very important that I have to do first.

I walked back over to it and picked it up, turning it on and unlocking it.

I headed straight to my contacts and created a group with all of my friends in it.

I sent them all a goodbye message.

Hi, this is Tiff. I'm sure your wondering why all of you are in this group with me texting you this early in the morning, but I'm saying goodbye. This is not a suicide note, but I am turning into a scary person, and this is my last night of normality if everything I have planned goes off without a hitch. Im so sorry to all of you, but I can't stay anymore and I have to do this. If the police ask, you don't know me. You had just seen me at school. I may occasionally text you if you respond to this with a "Goodbye, ttyl". Please don't look for me, I don't want any of you getting killed. -Tiff

I finished it off, sent it, and instantly went to Jeff's contact and sent him a personal message.

Thanks for everything dude. I think you are more than a bro to me now, but still. Also, I forgot to thank you for the bracelet, I think. I hope you got the other message, but really, thanks. I'm too dangerous to be around now, and I'm on the verge of insanity. Please don't look for me,or tell the cops about me..... I love you.

I sent it, but tears never dripped from my eyes.

I put together a bag of my important things, and I put my phone in with it, along with my earbuds.

I went downstairs quietly, and out the backdoor.

I pulled up my sleeves as the humid air hit me, and I also pulled the hood over my face.

I jumped my fence that was backed by the woods, and landed with a soft thud.

I pulled my backpack off and pulled out some black leather gloves and slid them on, zipping up my backpack and tossing it over my shoulder.

I started off towards my first targets house.


He had it coming because #1 He helped Randy.

#2, He was a jerk.

#3, He grabbed me. Nobody is allowed to grab me.

#4, He deserved it.

I headed off towards his home, letting my mind wonder towards the blade.

It went from blade, to scythe, back to tattoo.

I knew his backyard fence because it was darker than mose others, and it had a ledge going around the top.

The ledge didn't stop me.

I backed up and ran towards the fence, jumping up and grabbing onto the ledge and pulling myself up on top of it.

I never really had that much upper-body strength, but my adrenaline rush was fueling me.

I let myself fall from the fence,landing me in the backyard.

My feet stung a little but I ignored it, scrambling up the pine tree that was in the yard.

I peered into the window that it was backed to, and I swear luck was on my side.

Or maybe just Satan.

Keith was right there, sleeping soundly like a little child, and....

His window was unlocked.

I opened it smoothly with no sound emanating from it, and crawled in.

I put my feet down softly on the carpet,and made my way around all of the junk on his floor.

I didn't want him screaming, so I just readied my blade, and slit his throat.

His eyes shot open and his hand flew to his neck.

He started letting out painful, gargling sounds.

His eyes met mine and they filled with horror.

"I'll see you in Hell." I growled as I backed up towards the window.

Something unexpected happened.

His mother came in.

She instantly dropped the glass she was holding and screamed.

"Oh my god, Keith! Honey, someone killed Keith!" she screamed.

I liked the horrified scream that came out of her as she spotted me.

I instantly threw my knife at her.

It lodged itself in her skull with a satisfying crack.

Heavy footsteps ran down the hallway and I pulled the blade out of her head, turning it into a scythe and slicing the man in half as he ran into the room.

They all died with fear etched into their face, and I was the last person they saw alive.

Something washed over me and it started out as a small chuckle, then it changed and shifted into the laugh of a madman.

I slumped to the floor laughing my head off and spewing nonsense.

My laughter stopped when I heard sirens.

Red and blue lights filtered into the room and my body shot up and to the window.

I avoided the tree and just jumped down, making a smooth landing and hurling myself at the fence.

I heard something from inside, presumably the door, crash down.

My pace quickened and I cleared the fence with ease.

I kept my pace quick, my backpack flung itself around on my back as I continued along the back of the fences, looking for Troy's unique roof.

I kept going, backtracking and kept looking for it.

My need for blood was getting too intense and I could feel myself growing extremely frustrated.

"Where the fuck is it!" I said loudly.

Let the cops come.

I'll kill them.

I growled and continued to go around.

I finally decided to go to the streets, even if it may not have been the best idea in the world.

I climbed over a few fences until the street was in sight.

I kept on going until I found a street sign.

"Im in the right area.." I mumbled.

I looked up.

His house was right infront of me, it's oddly shaped roof spiked out against the moon.

I looked around quietly and my eyes locked on several patrol cars scattered around the street.

A smirk twisted onto my face.

They figured it out.

And they think they can stop me.


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