the island

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Scar was the first to open his eyes. Joe was the second, and Scar had to shake Bryn a couple of times before the fog covering her thoughts cleared. They were on a small beach, with the sea stretching as far as they could see. "Scar! What did you do!" Joe says angrily, wiping the sand off his shirt. "I umm, I just, I didn't think, umm, it," Scar mumbls before being interrupted by Bryn, "It's not his fault! I'm the one that wanted to come here, but I'm so happy I was right! The island actually exists! It's actually here!" "Bryn, what are you talking about?"" Joe says exasperated. "My uncle's map! He gave it to me, and at the bottom there was that note Scar translated! My uncle has been missing since I was 12, and now we've found the island he's on! All we have to do now is find him!" Joe shook his head and sighed. Scar didn't bother to speak up about the entrance through the rock he was looking at, he simply walked over to it peeking inside. "Oh good, Scar! You found the entrance, let's go!" Scar just mumbled, and followed Bryn and Joe into the cave.

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