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Joe had been transferred to one of the seven bases in Colombia, which is in central America. Scar's mom stayed behind because of work, besides, it would only be the summer. She did not want to have to deal with Scar, so Joe took Scar with him. They lived on base. "You've been awful quiet," Joe says. Scar just looks down, picking at his wrists. "You know, you're not the only kid on the base," "I'm 15, not a kid," He mumbles. "One of my buddies says he has his 14 year old daughter with him, maybe you two could chill together?" Joe had no idea how to talk to a teenager. "I'm gonna go cut myself," Scar says bluntly walking to his room. "Have fun, I guess," Joe says. Scar walked to his room. He sat cross legged on the floor. Blood seeping through his cuts, he was thinking. Scar's parents had it etched in his mind that he was the worst person in the world, and, especially his father, that he deserved pain because of how terrible he was. Everyone though, actually considered Scar to be the sweetest and most thoughtful person they knew, except for 3 people; his mom, his dad, and himself.

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