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Scar was the fastest kid at school even though he was only a freshman. He didn't have any friends, because he was so shy. Scar was very polite, smart, kind, and bashful, earning him the favoritism of all the teachers, including Ms.Hanson. Unfortunately, she had accidentally said something about Scar's past to a girl that couldn't keep her mouth shut, Sarah, who went to counseling for her ADHD problem. It got around school about the abuse and the cutting, and then the older kids and the girls always looked at Scar with pity. But, some of the guys in his classes made fun of him constantly. This didn't bother Scar, but the pity did. One day he was in health class, and they were reading about self harm and suicide. Everyone was staring at Scar, and a lot of the boys were smirking at him. "Sam?" The substitute says. "I go by Scar," He says quietly. "Okay, Scar, well, will you read the next paragraph?" Scar's eyes got big and his face went pale. He looked down at the pages, and slowly read, "Self-harm is a way of expressing and dealing with deep distress and emotional pain. Some feel like they have no choice. Injuring themselves is the only way they know how to cope with feelings like sadness, self-loathing, emptiness, guilt, and rage. Most people who self-injure try keep what they're doing secret. Maybe they feel ashamed or maybe they just think that no one would understand. Ultimately, the secrecy and guilt affects their relationships with their friends and family members and the way they feel about themselves. It can make them feel even more lonely, worthless, and trapped. If you suspect someone is harming themselves, you should tell an adult immediately," Scar's face grew bright red as all of the boys burst out laughing. He bit his bottom lip and looks down. "What's wrong Scar? Have a sudden urge to get out a knife?" One of the boys taunts. "Can I see your wrists Scar? No? Why not?" Another says. "Come on Scar! Show us your slit wrists!" "Quiet down!" The sub yelled. The bell rang, and Scar was the first one out the door.

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