The cuts

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Sam was abused by his father until he was 14. Now he lives with his hateful mother, and her marine boyfriend, Joe. Everyone has called him Scar since he was 15 and moved where Joe's work was. Scar is the person everyone wants to be, smart, good looking, sweet, polite, and athletic, espicalouly fast. But Scar has a secret, he cuts his wrists. Haunted by his past, Scar doesn't know who to trust. He is made to go to counseling after school. "Scar, when's the last time you cut yourself?" Ms.Hanson, his favorite teacher, who was also his counselor asks. "I don't know, like, maybe, this morning," He says quietly and reluctantly. She sighs, then grabs some peroxide from the table. Ms.Hanson, a perky young teacher, was the gym teacher, the nurse, and the counselor.  "Give me your wrists," He holds out his wrists shamefully. His wrists are a criss-cross pattern of cuts and dried blood. Her eyes grow wide. "You've been making them deeper, have you not?" She says as she puts some of the peroxide on the cotton ball, and gently cleans the cuts. "You know, hydrogen peroxide was discovered in 1818 by Thenard," He says trying to change the subject. "Where did you learn that?" She says throwing away the cotton balls. He shrugs. "Anyway, a-" she starts. "Did you get a haircut? It looks pretty!" He says timidly, again trying to change the subject. She smiles, "Stop changing the subject," He looks down at the floor."Sorry,"  "You don't need to apologize Scar, but we need to talk about this,"

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