Chapter XXXVI:

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Chapter XXXVI:


This may not be historically accurate but enjoy it anyway! It's also a shorter chapter because I don't want to just ramble on about random things! Love you all!

   January 12, 1800. Rumors only grow. That's what Theo thought it was. A rumor. She was wrong, it was true. Theodosia Burr was in the library when she heard.


Theodosia walked into the library with six books in her arms. She was always reading something. She loved books. That's when the chatter started. "Did you hear who was running for president?" Usually, Theo didn't listen in on gossip. She didn't believe in much of it and she didn't want to be involved with it. Her name, Burr, was often gossiped about, especially when she was seen with Philip or any of the Hamilton family. This was no exception.

Theo followed the two gossiping women over to a bookcase, pretending to be looking at books when she was actually just listening in on their conversation. She was disappointed in herself for listening in, but did it anyway. "No, who's running against Thomas Jefferson?" Theo cracked open a book to make it look more believable.

One of the women looked around before speaking to her friend. "Aaron Burr." The women obviously didn't know that Aaron Burr's daughter was standing just a few feet away from them. After hearing her father's name, she dropped the book in shock. The two women looked over, realizing who the young woman was. "Oh." One said.

Theo quickly picked up the book and slid it back onto the shelf, not meeting the gaze of the women. Her father would have told her if it was true. He didn't tell her everything, but he would have told her something this huge. "That's his daughter, correct? Aaron Burr's daughter?" They whispered to each other.

"I am Aaron Burr's daughter." Theo said coolly. She tried to act coolly around other people. She didn't want to sully her father's name. With that, Theo marched off and away from the gossiping women. She had to go home. She had to talk to her father.

Theo didn't believe everything she heard, but she knew her father was interested in government. He did have a seat in the senate. He was talking about the upcoming election. It kind of made sense. She marched from the library over to her home. After barging into her house, she entered her father's office, where he was sitting and writing quickly. "Daddy, we need to have a discussion."

Aaron looked up from his stacks of papers, placing his quill down. He looked over at his daughter with a concerned expression. "What is it, dear?" Theo pulled over a chair that Aaron kept in the office. The two used to sit at his desk and write together. That was before Theodosia passed.

She sat down on the chair. "You're going to think that I'm out of my mind." She paused before speaking again. "I was at the library and I overheard some gossip."

"Gossip? I thought you didn't follow gossip."

"Usually, I don't, but I caved." Theo took a deep breath and continued. "I heard a rumor that you were running for office. The president's office." Aaron didn't say anything. "Daddy, are you running against Thomas Jefferson for president?"

Aaron nodded. "I am. I'm running for president, Theodosia." Theo dropped her hands onto her lap louder than she intended. "I was going to tell you, but I just wanted to be sure before I told you. I was afraid that I wouldn't have your support." She just sat there. "What are your thoughts?"

"Daddy. You could have told me. If you really want to run, I support you. I want you to be happy and to chase your dreams. If you want this, you have my full support." Aaron smiled softly.

"I'm very lucky to have you as my daughter." Aaron took his daughter's hand and gave it a small squeeze. "I'm so very lucky." They both got up and hugged. "Thank you for your support."

   "Always, Daddy." Her father could become president. That was amazing. "I want to help you in any way I can."

   Aaron nodded. "That's great, I really would love your help throughout this." He would definitely need her help throughout his campaign. He couldn't do it alone. Team Burr.

I'm sorry about a shorter chapter but I didn't want to add more to what I already had because it seemed unnecessary. Sorry again! I love you guys! Thank you for reading! I love your feedback! Have a great day or night!

Dearest, Theodosia Where stories live. Discover now