Chapter XXVIII:

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Chapter XXVIII:

Philip was in a men's bathroom, tending to his his brand new bloody nose. It hurt, but he knew he deserved it after punching Jospeh Alston. He held his head up, trying to stop the blood from getting on his jacket. The bathroom door swung open loudly and slammed shut. Philip assumed it was his father, so he turned around. "Paps..." It wasn't Alexander Hamilton. Theo was standing in the middle of a men's bathroom. "Theo, hey." He said awkwardly.

"Are you alright?" She asked, walking over to him. She took his free hand and held it in her in her own. Philip nodded slightly.

"Yeah, I'm alright." Theo took a cloth from the towel rack in the bathroom, holding it up to the young man's nose. Theo shook her head as she did so.

"What were you thinking, assaulting Jospeh in front of everyone? Even just assaulting him to begin with, Philip." The boy didn't look at Theo, he couldn't bare to. He too was embarrassed to meet her eyes. "Philip." She said softly, trying to get the boy's attention. "Look at me, please."

"Theo, I'm so sorry." He said softly, still not being able to look the girl in the eye. "I'm so sorry." Not only was he embarrassed for himself, he knew that he had embarrassed Theo in front of the whole ballroom.

   "No, it's okay, okay?" She reassured him, taking one of his hands in her free one. "Would you just look at me, please?" Philip slowly lifted head, meeting the girl's eyes. "Everything's okay." She told him, taking the cloth off Philip's face. "I'm not angry, just so you know."

"You're not?" He said in utter disbelief. How could she not be mad? He made a huge scene in front of everyone in the ballroom by punching Theo's suitor. Well, she was her father's daughter. Slow to anger.

   "I'm not angry, Philip." She shook her head. "I'm annoyed, but I'm not angry with you." Theo said through a clenched jaw. She was angry, she just didn't want to tell him that. Philip pulled the girl close, hugging her tightly, burying his face in her head of curls. "Why did you do it, though?" Philip let go of the girl.

   "I don't know the man, but I can't stand him." Philip said, shaking his head. "The fact that one day, you could potentially be his wife, spending the rest of his life with you is infuriating." Jealous. Philip was very jealous of Joseph Alston. "I love you so much, Theodosia." Philip's voice was filled with frustration, the most frustration Theo had ever heard in his voice. "I can't imagine you being with him."

"As long as you're alive, you're the only person in I'm going to be with, do you understand me?" Philip nodded before the two kissed. The men's bathroom door swung open and a few older gentlemen stopped when they saw a girl in there. "Can we help you?" She asked them, placing her hand on her hip. The men left the bathroom quickly. Philip laughed as the men fled the bathroom. He began walking towards the door, ready to enter out into a hallway. "No!" Theo screeched as she grabbed his arm.

    "What?" He asked, letting go of the door handle and turning to face the girl. "Why can't I leave the bathroom?" Theo just shook her head, stepping in front of the door.

   "My father is out there somewhere." She hissed, holding the knob tight in her grasp. Philip just shrugged. "If he sees you, he will burn holes right through you with his eyes." The boy had forgotten all about how important Jospeh Alston was to Aaron Burr. Lucky for Philip, it seemed to him that Jospeh would back out of the marriage. He thought that now there would be no other choice but for Theo to marry him.

   "Theo, I have to leave this bathroom eventually, and so do you. You're not even supposed to be in here, this is a men's room, if you weren't aware when you charged in."

   "I don't care if this is a men's room." Theo told him. "We can't leave." She said quickly. "Who knows? Life in a men's room couldn't be too bad, could it? We'd always have facilities."

   "We are not living in a men's room." Philip said, trying to reach for the doorknob. "Theo, please, move out of the way." Theo stared at the boy for a moment before stepping out of the way of the door.

   "Okay." She said clearly. "Just remember, it's your funeral." Philip twisted the knob and stepped outside of the bathroom and Theo quickly followed. She looped her arm with his and scanned the room. "Okay, how do we get out of here without drawing anyone's attention away?" As if the children of Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr, who were romantically involved, weren't attention drawing enough.

   The two had been doing pretty well. They made their way across the busy ballroom, heads down the entire time. As soon as they reached the hallway on the other side of the main room, they were met with a slightly sobered up Georges Washington Lafayette and a frantic Angelica Hamilton. "Philip!" Angie screeched, dashing down the hall to her brother. "How's your nose?" She asked, looking at him with a worried expression. Georges took his time walking over to the group of teenagers.

   "Nice job, pal." Georges said, preparing himself for a high five from his best friend. Theo shoved Georges' shoulder, which had absolutely no effect, and shot him a scary glance. "I mean, what were you thinking, Philip?" Georges attempted to recover, but both girls just shook their head.

   "I'm fine." He told his sister. "And I wasn't thinking, I was acting impulsively. I feel horrible about the whole ordeal. I wish I could apologize to—" Theo quickly began pushing him forward, but not getting very far. "Theo, what—"

   "Hamilton!" Aaron Burr yelled from down the hallway. He marched his way down the hall, standing in front of the already shaken boy. "If you even thought that you were going to marry my daughter before this, there is no way in hell that you're doing it now." He growled at the boy, grabbing his daughter's hand. "Theodosia, let's go."

   Aaron marched down the hall of one of the doors, Theo's hand tight in his grasp. She kept looking back at the helpless boy who stood there, heartbreak in his beautiful golden-green eyes.

Is this... AN UPDATE?! Long time no see! Anyway, not gonna lie, this was kind  of a filler to tie the whole "punch fiasco" together. Nonetheless, I hope you liked it!

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