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With a strangled gasp, Neri'el shot awake. Sweat clung to her body as she sat up, choking on air. She could still see her face staring impassively back at her from her mind's eye. Tekka's smoking corpse stared blankly up at her before fading into the depths of her memory. 

Neri'el looked around and started. She didn't recognize her surroundings.

She didn't recognize the coal black walls, the depressing grey bed she was on or the person sitting with their head in their hands in the chair beside her.

Her heartbeat thundered in her ears, dancing along to a mad rhythm. Loud gasps for air, punctuated with soft whimpers, filled the room as she struggled to satisfy her air deprived lungs. Her throat was raw from screaming. It filled with fire every time she gasped. Wet stickiness clung to her countenance making her face feel tight. She closed her eyes, struggling to breathe.

Two hands latched onto her shoulders, surprising her long enough to choke back another whimper. Her green eyes flew open wide and fastened onto the person before her. She gaped in recognition.


Ben was crouched beside her bedside, still wearing his signature outfit, complete aside from the missing helmet. Neri'el noticed with a sickening revulsion that there were bloodstains on the hem of his robes. Slowly, her eyes moved upwards to meet his penetrating gaze. The brown irises revealed his shattered nerves. Neri'el had an odd feeling that was her fault. His hands stayed on Neri'el's shoulders but they trembled slightly as he leaned closer.

"Don't scream or I put you to sleep," he warned as he slowly released her. His hands gently pulled free from her shoulders before falling limply by his sides.

Neri'el nodded dumbly, her mind struggling to keep up. She was supposed to be dead. Her memories finally appeared in her sluggish mind. The execution chamber. Ben entering. Ben igniting his lightsaber. Ben-not killing her. He had splashed the blood on her and sedated her instead.

She glanced down at herself looking for the fake blood. She was surprised and quite a bit unnerved to see the new black robes that covered her instead of her former tattered clothes.

Eyes narrowed, she looked slowly up at Ben who was watching her warily. She silenced her inner voices that were screaming for answers and opened her mouth.

"Why am I alive?" she asked quietly.

Ben's eyes darkened. His jaw tightened slightly as he stood to his feet.

"Supreme Commander Snoak does not believe you can be of use any longer. I disagree," Ben hissed.

Guessing that this man was about to become very difficult, Neri'el gritted her teeth and voiced another query.

"And you just expect him not to care that you saved me?"

"I didn't-" Ben paused angry at himself for speaking so quickly. He closed his eyes once, let out a deep breath, and then reopened them. "Let's get one thing straight, Jedi. I did not save you."

"Is that so?" Neri'el interjected sarcastically. She snorted. "Then why am I still alive?"

"You are only alive so I can proceed with my interrogation. Once you no longer are of any use to me, I will dispose of you." Ben's eyes were like chips of diamond. "Are we clear?"

Neri'el barely suppressed a growl.

"We are."

"Good," Ben muttered darkly. His frown deepened. "I suppose you have more questions?" he said immediately regretting his words.

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