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She was chained to a chair in the center of a dark, cold room. An execution chamber. The metal floor was dull and grimy. It seemed as if this room had not been used for years.

Slowly, Neri'el began tapping her foot against the floor. The gentle rhythmic sounds of her metal foot bounced off the walls of the room giving the sound a more musical noise.

The lone storm trooper left to guard her, jerked slightly but said nothing as she continued.

Neri'el kept tapping her foot and gently closed her eyes. A familiar tune began to form in her memory and she smiled quietly to herself. It was a song from her youth that her mother had sung to her. It wasn't a happy song nor was it sad.

The tune had long ago been lost in her mind, hidden by the sudden tragedies and scars of her life. But now it resurfaced and Neri'el caught herself humming along.

The storm trooper glanced at her warily but ignored her.

Before Neri'el knew what she was doing, she was singing aloud to herself.

There once was

A well, worn path

And many walked upon it

At times the end seemed far

So why dare try to conquer?

Many try but few succeed

For there are those who fall behind

Those distracted by the detours on the side

Those who turn away

And those who strive ahead

There once was

A lonely traveler

Only followed by his shadow

And he sought to

Defeat the road

Many try but few succeed

For there are those who fall behind

Those distracted by the detours on the side

Those who turn away

And those who strive ahead

He walked for

Many years

Only to find that

The end eluded him

Like so many

That came before him

Many try but few succeed

For there are those who fall behind

Those distracted by the detours on the side

Those who turn away

And those who strive ahead

He kept walking

But couldn't win

His goal perished

With him

Many try but few succeed

For there are those who fall behind

Those distracted by the detours on the side

Those who turn away

And those who strive ahead

As Neri'el sung the final line, she felt her heart slowly rise in her chest. The song gave her peace. In the song, the path was a pilgrimage for the man but it also symbolized a goal. And not just one goal but rather, multiple goals. Goals that people set for themselves. Sometimes too arduous, so that even the most well-worn traveler could not persevere through.

This was the end of her road. Her goal was slowly disappearing from her sight. The possibility of her joining Resistance had disappeared with Poe Dameron. It had slipped through her fingers like fog.

All this time she had been fighting. Fighting the Dark Side for Luke. Fighting The Knights of Ren for Jempa. Fighting The First Order for Tekka. Fighting Death for her life.

And now here she was, yielding to Death.

After all this time, all those battles, all those deaths, all those crises she suffered through had led her to this point, this day, this minute.

She had tried to save everyone she could. Yes she had managed to protect a few but there were so, so many dead. She had failed again and again. She had tried to rise to the role of protector and shoulder the mantle of Jedi.

But she had failed.

Many try but few succeed

For there are those who fall behind

Those distracted by the detours on the side

Those who turn away

And those who strive ahead

The door slid open.

Neri'el didn't even bother to look up at her executioner. She could sense his familiar presence.

"Get out," Kylo's voice mechanically hissed at the storm trooper.

The man obediently submitted to his wishes and departed out the door. It slid shut behind him.

Kylo Ren turned towards Neri'el, his gloved fingers twitching over his lightsaber. His black cloak was still swishing slightly from the movement of the trooper.

"You've given up."

Neri'el raised her eyes to meet the ones hidden behind the silver mask. She held his gaze, never wavering, nor showing the slightest inclination of fear. Her fingers balled into fists to keep them from shaking.

"I see no point to my perseverance," she replied quietly.

Kylo Ren was silent. His hand went to his weapon and with a sinister hiss, the lightsaber ignited. Its ruby beam lit up the entire chamber and shone brightly against the metal of his mask.

"So be it," said Kylo, his emotions hidden by the mask.

Neri'el closed her eyes as the beam descended

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