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"Let's go, prisoner."

Neri'el frowned at the black uniformed officer who had spoken but got to her feet. She got up, stood shakily then stepped over towards him. Her metal foot clicked on the tile as she slowly made her way towards her escort.

The officer watched her through calculating blue irises as he commanded her to follow him.

With one final nod towards Olga, Neri'el walked out. The woman's gaze followed her as the door slid shut.

Four storm troopers surrounded her, blasters up. None spoke, but all worked together seamlessly. Every movement was mirrored by the others. In mere seconds, after surrounding her, they all began marching in time down the hallway.

"This is quite the entourage," Neri'el commented to the officer that called her out.

The man frowned at her. His scowl was severe and his face seemed to be stuck in the permanent sneer. His nostrils were flared outwards and he looked and treated everyone with distain.

"You are an important prisoner," the man stated crisply, his cool blue eyes fastened on his men.

Neri'el could sense his impatience and sighed.

This walk would be dull. And she would learn nothing from him. Whoever he was.

The man in question was standing right at the girl's elbow. He somewhat taller than Neri'el, but he held himself erect and had the aura of an man with importance. His orange hair was straight and severely parted. There was a small wave of hair that was gelled to the side, in a very even pattern. His attire screamed important. The black uniform he was wearing was fastened all the way to his neck. Both pieces of his collar were carefully folded downwards in an even fashion. To add to his outfit, he had a black cloak which he had draped around his shoulders. The First Order insignia was designed on the left shoulder, followed by two white lines at the cuffs.

Neri'el frowned slightly to herself as she continued to walk forwards, observing things as she went.

Differently uniformed men, women and storm troopers skirted around the party in the hallways. A few of the people would shoot Neri'el curious looks but all quickly looked away at the ginger officer's sharp reminder to get on with their duties.

As Neri'el continued onwards down the identical hallways, she discovered something. None of the other officers she had seen had the same uniform as the man beside her. Furthermore, none had a coat like his. Perhaps he was more than an officer.

"General Hux, Sir!" someone called from behind the group.

The ginger haired man held up a hand and called for the group to halt.

The storm troopers stood stock still, waiting for their leader.

A young, blonde officer ran up to the group and Neri'el turned to watch. She could sense his distress and slowly let herself feel the other emotions he was letting off. High levels of stress, slight fear and intimidation, and obvious nervousness was all she could divulge without entering his mind.

The young man shuddered to a halt before Hux and coughed heavily.

"Sorry, Sir," he gasped, "I-I've got a medical-"

"What is it, Officer Laumi?" the ginger haired man, that Neri'el now recognized as General Hux, spat. "I have duties to complete for Commander Ren."

Laumi coughed again and clutched his chest with one hand, using the other to lean on the wall. His curly straw colored hair fell against his forehead and into his eyes.

"Sorry," he repeated still out of breath, "But we have just received word that LM-7437 never showed up for utility check with Captain Phasma."

"If the soldier is under Captain Phasma's jurisdiction then why are you wasting my time boy?" Hux snarled, his voice escalating with fury as he went on.

Laumi winced as bits of Hux's spit flecked his cheek.

"She wished me to inform you that LM-7437 was found dead in a storage closet," Laumi finished slowly.

Hux's eyes widened slightly but didn't lose their icy coldness. The man slowly crossed his arms across his chest, beneath his coat. His pale face was an emotionless mask as he stared at the young man across from him.

"And the armor is gone?"

Laumi nodded, surprise evident on his face.

Hux closed his eyes for a moment but just as soon as they closed they were opened again. Victory danced within them before being replaced by disgust when they landed on the young officer before him.

"Yet the soldier arrived for rotations this morning." Hux said emotionlessly. "Even though LM-7437 has been dead for a long time."

"Y-y-yes Sir, t-that's exactly it!" Laumi said shock evident in his tone, "H-how-?"

"Don't waste my time, boy." Hux interrupted, "Get Phasma to compile a squad of troopers to sweep the ship. Turn on the alarms. I want this stowaway found and brought to me."

His thin lips curved upwards in a disgustingly vile grin that looked more like a grimace.

"Y-yes Sir," Laumi said before scurrying off down the hallway which he had come.

Hux turned back around. His cold azure eyes fell on Neri'el and he frowned.

"Change of plans, men!" he called, keeping his eyes on Neri'el, "We're going to Conference Room 2-21B. Commander Ren will have to wait for his pet."

Neri'el bared her teeth angrily.

"I am not his pet," She snarled.

Hux raised an auburn eyebrow, not even attempting to hide his amusement.

"Of course you're not." He reassured snidely as he took the girl by the elbow and began leading her along the hallway with the men.

They reached a door labeled 2-21B and he led her inside. He released her and she scooted away from him. A foul smile overtook his lips as he looked over and saw her moving away.

Then the alarms began to blare.

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