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Ben had cut off the mental connection. The arrogant little-no. Neri'el mustn't think of him like that. He was just mad that she screwed up their first mission by getting kidnapped.

Neri'el sighed in frustration and fell back against the wall. Sunlight crept through the slivers of metal skylights on the side of her prison. She narrowed her eyes and slowly got to her feet using the wall for leverage. Peeking out, she saw to her chagrin that her cell was in one of the upper levels. Far too high for even a Jedi to jump off. Also Neri'el could see that the entire pirate base was surrounded by an electrified gate. An electrified gate that was as thick as an ATAT and taller than two rancors stacked on top of each other. Groaning, she sank to the floor running her hands over her face.

This was brilliant. Just wonderful. A simple first mission that she had singlehandedly screwed up completely. Wouldn't her parents be proud?

A pang went through Neri'el at the thought of her parents. What if she never saw them again? They knew she had gone on this mission because she had sent them a hasty letter the day before her and Ben's departure. But neither should be overly worried about her anyway. Honestly, it should have been Neri'el that was worried. Her parents were the ones who always found themselves in bad situations.

Both her parents, Atticus and Clove Aspenstra, were not adverse to danger. For they both had joined the Resistance which had risen after the destruction of the Empire.

Her mother was a famous pilot and her father, a Jedi Knight. Her mother had been one of the many Rebel pilots while her father was secretly trained by Obi-Wan Kenobi during the years that the Empire rose in power. Atticus was a Jedi strong with the Force. He became a formidable opponent to all who opposed him. Obi-Wan sent him to join the Rebels when he was 21 and that was when he met Neri'el's mother, Clove Blackwood. Clove was a beautiful, cocky pilot who loved to irritate Atticus. Either by flying better than he ever could or asking him over and over how the Force worked. Atticus found her extremely annoying and when they were sent on a mission together, he was quite willing, if the chance arose, to leave her behind with the enemy. Though things were anything but smooth by the end of the mission they had met Luke Skywalker, saved Princess Leia and fallen in love.

The pair grew closer and closer and when the second death star was destroyed, Atticus proposed. They were soon wed and ten years later had Neri'el. Neri'el showed from a young age that she was Force sensitive. Both her parents were overjoyed and enrolled her in Luke Skywalker's program to train new Jedi. Neri'el quickly rose through the ranks of the Jedi with her strength in the Force and prowess with her lightsaber. She reached out to many of the young students and became almost like a mother to all the younger children. Although she was very much an extrovert, she lacked 'best' friends. Until the day when she met Ben Solo.

Neri'el smiled at the memory of their first meeting but felt it slide from her face as the door creaked open. Her green eyes filled with distrust as the pirate from earlier walked in. He smiled wolfishly down at her and she felt her skin crawl.

"Hello again," he said huskily.

The door slid shut behind him.

Neri'el's eyes flicked from the door to him; uneasiness settling in her stomach.

The man strode over to her and she cringed as he pulled her up to his eyelevel.

"Such a pretty, little, thing," he hissed; alcohol heavy on his breath.

He ran a hand down her face.

"We wouldn't want to waste it now would we?" he crooned tracing her jawline with a thick finger.

Neri'el spat in his face.

The pirate's face transformed into that of a monster's.

"You insolent little wench!" he roared slamming her into the wall.

Neri'el gasped in pain and slammed the toe of her boot just below his midsection. The pirate instantly dropped her, cursing loudly.

Her tailbone collided painfully with the cement floor. A hand reached out for her and she jerked away. The pirate's hand clenched on air as she ducked beneath his hand and tore to the door. Slamming her back into it, Neri'el faced the man.

"Now, now, now," he hissed limping towards her, "Where do you think you're going?"

"Away from you would be nice, ya ugly prune," she snapped clenching her hands into fists.

The man's eyes narrowed.

"You'll regret that, WENCH!"

On the last word, he dove towards her. Expecting it, she sidestepped him and let him slam into the door. She raised her cuffed hands over her head and swiftly brought them downwards. Her fists hit him in the back and he tumbled to the floor.

"Pathetic, I've fought younglings with more backbone then you," she sniffed stepping back.

The man stared up at her through beady eyes.

"They smelled better too," she added thoughtfully.

A foot shot out and caught her in the ankles sending her swiftly to the floor.

"Oh that's not fair," she muttered as the man slammed his foot into her gut.

Neri'el groaned in pain as he slammed his fist into her face. A horrid cracking noise echoed around the room and she screamed. White hot pain spread from her nose across her face. She felt stickiness pour from both nostrils, coating the front of her robes.

A hand wrenched her up by the hair causing her to shriek in pain.

"Not so brave anymore are you?" the man cooed pinching her cheek.

She pulled away but he just yanked her back. Several hairs parted painfully from her scalp and she felt tears spark in her eyes. Her back was pressed into the pirate's chest, way too close for Neri'el's comfort.

"It took longer to break you than most of the others," the man hissed; his voice hot on her neck. "But I'll enjoy every second of it."

A mixture of tears from Neri'el's eyes and blood from her nose coated her neck and chest as she began to tremble with fury.

"L-l-let m-me g-g-go," she snarled.

The man laughed darkly and pulled her closer against him.

"Why?" he breathed.

Neri'el smirked and forced her elbow backwards into the man's diaphragm.

He wheezed as the air was sucked from his lungs and she dug her heel into his toe. He cried out as she plunged her elbow into his chest again. The grip on her hair vanished and she leapt away from him. She whipped around using the Force to send him flying into a wall. He hit with a sickening crack and slid to the floor. A sudden pain swelled through her chest and Neri'el dropped to one knee; feeling anguish rage within her.

'What is happening to me?' she asked herself desperately.

The pain in her chest slowly dispersed and Neri'el let out a small sigh of relief but felt her heart drop as the door slid open.

Okay  I'm like 90% sure I didn't do the math right but please don't let that get in the way of the story! I'm not sure I got all my characters ages right but I think it works...if it doesn't some constructive criticism would be appreciated but please don't be mean! I'm a sensitive little person...😂

Have a great day people!

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