•That's Pretty Deep•

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"That explains a lot," Nathan says.

"Now I remember. Back then, you came to me and wanted to talk to me alone," Mark points out. "You said that you didn't feel right. I asked what's wrong when you collapsed. The next thing I knew, you woke up and told me that nothing's wrong. I think you were somehow fighting the darkness inside you. That's why that happened."

"But I guess that I lost because I gave in..." Shawn says sadly.

Mark then puts his hand on his friend's shoulder.


"You didn't lost. Even though you didn't remember, you were still fighting for your true self. You still believed that you can be saved so you held on. If you really lost, you wouldn't have heard our voices, would you? Don't you see? You were fighting alongside us this whole time."

To confirm the captain's point, the team smiles with determination and reassurance. Shawn is touched by the gesture, holding back his tears.

"Thanks Mark. I think I needed to hear that."

"Don't mention it. Now that we're done, let's play soccer!"


"Wait! There's one thing that's bothering me," Celia says. "If we didn't want Shawn to know that we were recording events related to his strange behavior, then how was his account in here in the first place?"

"Oh yeah..." Silvia says.

The team ponders on this as well. They look at Shawn.

"Sorry but I don't remember typing anything," he responds.

"He's got a point. All of his memories regarding the werewolf incident are erased. Even if he did typed something he couldn't remember it," Xavier says.

"Hey guys look at this!" Celia says. She scrolls down the document, revealing extra words on Shawn's account. It says:

Fairy's Note

The account in question is not exactly typewritten. The writer wrote his account in a notebook hidden in his room. Of course, he wouldn't be able to remember it. He found it sometime ago after he found himself back in his room with no idea how he had gotten there.

Concerned with his constant memory gaps, the protagonist decided to wrote down the things he did remember. Like the nightmare he had and some parts of dinner. He hadn't told anyone of his new hobby because he didn't want to worry them. He had no idea that his life was falling into a black abyss.

Alas! The account ended the night when Inazuma Japan first battled against Ferocious Beast on the soccer field of the lodge. The "hero" of this tale fell and became the villain. The story of his last days of sanity will be lost forever...if I hadn't took action that is.

The notebook that he found was actually enchanted. He stumbled upon an artifact from my study*. It has the ability to input whatever's written in it to another place of information. It's goal is to preserve information so that nothing will be forgotten. It knew that it might not be found for a long period of time so it must've put the boy's account in this strange piece of metal.

Anyway, that's all that need to be said. So...goodbye for now!

*I lost it for quite some time now. Who would have thought that it's in the human domain. How did that happen? Hihihihihi...

The team sweatdrops.

"I guess that's a good answer," Silvia says.

Mark then breaks the tension by saying, "OK guys, it's time for practice!"


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