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I wake up and I'm no longer in the dark room. More rather, I'm in my room. Since when I got here? I'm wearing my Inazuma Japan uniform.

I must've been at practice, but how? When?

I should find the others. I need to─


I'm now in the cafeteria. How did I get here?! It looks like it's time for dinner. Everyone is giving me wary looks. I notice that I'm alone.

"Hey, mind if we sit here?" Nathan asks. He's with Xavier, Darren, and Kevin.

"Sure," I answer.

They look confused. More rather, surprised.

Nathan then says, "Anyway, we need to talk─"


I don't know what happen during dinner but Kevin is really mad at me right now.

Anyway, I'm starting to lose track of time. Today becomes yesterday and tomorrow becomes today. What's scary is that I can't remember what I was doing.

We're having practice. I do what I usually do. My friends look confuse. It's as if I've done something I never done before.

"Pass it here!"

I pass the ball like always. Mark seems to be relieved. I wonder why. Practice is finally over and we're going to the lodge. I then go ahead and I─

There is only darkness.

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