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Inazuma Japan puts practice on hold as they begin to look for Shawn. They need to cover more ground so they decided to split up.

They search everywhere. He's nowhere to be found.

Things go from bad to worse.

"Sorry but I haven't seen him," Fideo says to Mark.

"Oh OK," Mark replies. He then notices that his friend is covered with dirt and dust from head to toe.

"What happen to you?" He asks with curiosity.

"Oh. Why am I a mess? It happened about ten minutes ago," Fideo explains. "Apparently someone stirred up a rally that nearly brought the lodge down."


"BURN IT DOWN! BURN IT DOWN!" A crowd of people yelled out while they lift their baseball bats, a broken bottle, and a torch. They were in front of Orpheus's lodge.

"That's right! Raise your voices! Tell them how lame they are and burn them to the ground!" A VERY familiar voice shouted through a megaphone.


"That's insane!" Mark exclaims.

"Luckily the police were able to stop it," Fideo says. "But they were not able to find the culprit. The police said that the people in the rally are crazed Inazuma Japan fans. It kind of explains why they splash yellow, blue, and white paint on the lodge's walls. Other than that, they're still investigating."

"At least no one got hurt, right?"

"Yeah. Anyway I have to go. I hope you're able to find your friend. Bye!"

Mark and Fideo wave each other goodbye.

After that, Mark now looks more worried.

"Hey Mark!"

"Jude! Xavier!"

The trio meets each other.

"Find anything?" Mark asks.

Jude shook his head.

"He's in a lot of trouble as it is," Xavier says.

"What do you mean?" Mark asks.

"No one else knows but I think Shawn has caused some trouble to the other teams," Jude says grimly.

"The Empire's and Knights of the Queen's soccer fields have been sabotaged. Pits and damaged equipment are popping up. They don't know who did it and how all these things happen without them noticing," Xavier informs.

That brings Mark back to his conversation with Fideo.

Apparently someone stirred up a rally that nearly brought the lodge down.

"Fideo mentioned something awhile ago. He said that someone created a rally that caused problems for his team," Mark says.

"This is getting out of hand. If this keeps up, people will eventually find out that it was Shawn who's causing the trouble and Inazuma Japan might be suspended from the FFI," Jude says.

"We'll not let that happen," Mark says reassuringly. "We will find him. I have no doubt about that."

"You're right," Xavier says.

Jude nods in agreement.


Mark turns and sees David and Caleb run towards them.

"What's going on?" He asks.

"I think we know where Shawn is."

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