Story 3: Striker Showdown

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Inazuma Japan is practicing.


"Pass it here!"


"Kevin, take it!"

He heads towards Darren and kicks the ball.

"Dragon Slayer!"

But then—


Shawn stops the ball with a simple kick, wearing a huge smirk.

"You called that a shoot? If it were me, I can score a point with my eyes closed!"

Everyone rolls their eyes. He's been acting like this for quite some time now and they still don't know why.

"Are you trying to say that you can do better?" Kevin asks, annoyed.

"Of course," the silver haired boy answers. "Compared to all of you, I am the best in both offense and defense. Don't act like you're my equal. If I wasn't injured on the match against Fire Dragon, you wouldn't be here. Now that I think about it...I was injured because Fire Dragon seen me as a threat. That shows that I'm the most talented player on this team."

"That's it! I have enough with your attitude!" Kevin exclaims, not hiding the anger in his voice. He's about to clobber him until Mark intervenes and goes between them.

"Kevin! Shawn! Stop this! Violence is never the solution. And Shawn, Kevin's right. This attitude has to stop! It's driving the team down."

A long silence fills the air as someone waits for something to break it.

An evil chuckle breaks the silence.

"Then why don't we settle this?" Shawn darkly says, his grey eyes gleaming with blood lust.

Everyone is startled by this. 

"What do you mean?" Mark asks.

Shawn then points at Kevin as he says:

"This guy seems very confident with his striker skills. He thinks that he could stand at my level or even slightly above it. How 'bout we test that belief through a show down. If you win, then I'll admit that my skills still have a long way to go. When I win,  you have to admit that you're a loser and my skills are far more superior than yours. Sounds fair, don't you agree?"

"When you win? Whatever Mr. Braggy, I accept your challenge!" Kevin answers, pumped and determined.

"Looking forward to it."

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