There is Only Darkness

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I wake up in my room. Huh? How...

Wasn't I talking to Mark?

There is only darkness! head... I'm not feeling so well...

I try as hard as I can to shake it off. I then check if there's any changes. 

I'm now in my Inazuma Japan tracksuit and it's slightly stained with...spray paint? Where did this came from?

I look at the time. Practice is over. I wonder what my teammates are doing.


I walk around the lodge. No one's in the kitchen or the soccer field. They must be out. I then pass by the meeting room when─

"...not listening?"

Is that David?

"Nah, he won't be here for a while."


I peek through the door. Everyone is in the meeting room. Is this a soccer meeting? But why was I not informed. Or why do they seem so worried? And what does Caleb mean by "he won't be here for a while"?  And the fact that no one told me, does that mean that they are talking about...

I lean my head against the door, hearing the conversation.

"What do you mean?" Austin asks.

"I saw him near the Unicorn's lodge this awhile ago. He's vandalizing it as I recall," I can hear Caleb says.



The conversation becomes muffled. I can't hear what they're saying. But that doesn't stop me from shaking. What was I doing this entire time? Especially to the point where my friends have a secret meeting—without me.

"For a start, maybe he and Scotty switched brains or something..." 

There is only darkness!

"...not only the BIGGEST JERK in the world but also a better prankster..."

What am I doing?

There is only darkness!

"One minute he's normal. The next minute...he's totally a different person..."

What is that supposed to mean?

There is only darkness!

"...the night before we heard the scream..."


There is only darkness!

Make it stop!

"Who's there? Show yourself!"


"It'll all be over soon. As soon as the start of the full moon..."

A beast with piercing grey eyes staring back at me....

There is only darkness!






"It's been an hour and we still haven't come up with any reasonable explanation," Celia says.

"We'll get there," Silvia says. "I believe we can."

"That's the spirit," Mark says. "Well we can't think with an empty stomach. Let's eat."

"YAY! Beef! Pork! Chicken! Veggies!" Jack starts saying excitedly.

"Yeah...about that..." Tori says.

They enter the cafeteria. And notice that he's already there.

Trying to lighten the tension, Mark says:

"You can't wait for dinner, can you...Shawn?"

Shawn looks at him and answers with an evil grin, "You can say that. The night is amazing, isn't it?"

"I guess?" Mark answers, confused.

"Despite the fact that it's always ignored for the day, it gives a valuable lesson."

"And what would that be?"

"No matter how hopeful you feel or how everything seems to go your way, despair will always be the last stop because..."


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