Chapter 19

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A/N: Chloe's outfit above

Sam's POV
It's been a year since me and chloe got together and it's been amazing, I couldn't have asked for a better girl in my life. We hadn't had any arguments, which is strange for a couple. I'm taking chloe out for a nice meal and I'm taking her to a hotel After. I'm also going to ask her to move in with me

I got to her house and her dad let me in. He shook my hand and I headed upstairs. I opened her door and she was asleep, no make-up on and her hair over her face. I pushed her hair away and I placed the roses in a vase next to her bed. I laid down next to her sleeping body and nibbles at her earlobes. She moaned a little and turned over and snuggled into my chest. I kissed her forehead and I felt her smile and she looked up at me

"Good morning baby girl" I say
"Good morning, my handsome" she says
"Happy anniversary" I say
"Happy anniversary" she says and we kiss and it turned into a snog

She turned over once we pulled away and looked at the red roses I brought her and looked at me

"Did you buy these" she asks
"Yes I did indeed, but I have another surprise for you later. However we are gonna go on a date later and then stay at a hotel" I say
"Aww baby, thank you and do I have to wear something casual or fancy" she asks
"Hmm fancy" I say
"Okay, but I have a present for you too" she says

She gave me a card and 2 boxes, I opened the card and there was a voucher for my favourite shop and also a necklace, which had a 'c' on it and she had one with an 's', she also get me a new pair of vans. We went out and went for some lunch and some shopping, before we headed to our hotel for the night, we places our stuff down, before having a nap and getting ready for this evening. Chloe was dressed in a Gorgeous red dress with red heels. Her hair was curly and she was neutral make-up with red lips. I grabbed her hand and we headed down the stairs and into the cab that I called.

We arrived at the restaurant and I opened the cab door and grabbed her hand helped her out. She kissed my cheek and I paid for the cab and it drove away. We walked towards the door and I opened it for her and walked behind her

"Good evening sir and madam have you got a table with us" the waiter said
"Yes it's under Winchester" I say
"Ah, mr and mrs Winchester, This way please" he says grabbing two menus and walked us to the table

I pulled out her chair and she sat and I sat in front of her and a waitress came and took our order. We talked and ate before I paid the bill and we took a walk on the beach

"Can I ask you something chloe" I say
"What's that Sam" she says
"Will you chloe, Donne the honour in moving to london with me" I say
"Are you serious" she says
"Of course I am, I want to live my life with you" I say
"Aww Sam, of course I will love to london with you" she says

I picked her up and kissed her lips

"I love you" I say
"I love you too" she says

We headed back to the hotel and we took off our clothes and put on our pyjamas on and watched Netflix. I can't believe she said she would move in with me

"I'm going sleep babe" she says
"Okay baby girl, I love you" I say
"I love you too, goodnight" she says

I snuggled down next to her and slept  

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