Chapter 4

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Chloe's POV
After I spoke to Sam, I went to sleep, knowing I had to get up early, I know I'm a werewolf but I like sleep, I'm more a werewolf in the day for some odd reason, besides now. I was sat at the desk in the book shop, reading and drowning when the bell went, I locked up and put my stuff to the side and saw Sam.

"Hey chloe, I didn't know this is where you worked". He says
"Yeah, this is where I work and where I come for quiet, besides the forest" I say
"Yeah, mine too. How's your ankle?" He says
"It's okay just a little painful to walk on, I'll be fine" I say
"You should go to the hospital" he says
"No Sam, I'll be fine" I say
"Please, after work?" He says
"Fine, this once and there's probably nothing wrong" I say
"Tell you what if there isn't anything wrong, I'll give you £20, if there is you give me £20" he says
"Deal" I say and we shake hands

We both went back to our jobs and I hope there isn't anything wrong with my ankle. It was sore I must admit but I don't think it's broken

I fell in love with a wolf - Sam Winchester StoryWhere stories live. Discover now