Chapter 3

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A/N: Dean above

Sam's POV
When we parted ways, I had a smile on my face. I couldn't be happier that I got her number. We hadn't known each other long, but I knew her cause of Castiel, yet we never communicated. Why does she have to be a werewolf. Anyway I made my way to my house and my parents were home now. I took a deep breathe before knocking and my mum answered

"Sam oh your okay" she said hugging me
"I'm fine Mum, I just went to the woods to study" I say
"Why did you go there" she said
"Cause dean left me here and went with Castiel and I needed to do work" I say
"That bloody Castiel, should be a good influence not a bad one" she says
"However I met someone" I say
"Who" she says
"Castiel's little sister, chloe" I say
"You do not associate with them Sam, you hear me" she says
"Mum, she's nothing like her brother, please give her a chance" I say
"Fine, any mess ups then you can't be friends" she says
"Yes Mum" I say

I know nothing will happen, but it's a good thing I went there today, if I hadn't chloe could of been dead, well injured even more. We talked all night until we went to sleep as we had work the next day. Oh the joy 

I fell in love with a wolf - Sam Winchester StoryWhere stories live. Discover now