Chapter 5

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Sam's POV
After work, I went back to the book store and got chloe. I opened her door and we drove to the hospital. I don't normally use my car, but when I do, I have my keys, however I'm not lazy unlike Dean. It takes me like 3 minutes to walk to college and saying that Dean is lazy . Anyway we arrived and I checked chloe in and then after about an hour, a doctor came round the corner

"Chloe" he says

We got up and chloe hopped to his office and we sat down

"So what seems to be the problem" he says
"Well I got caught in a trap, someone had set up for animals and Sam managed to get my ankle out, but it's painful and so Sam wanted to rule out any breaks which it isn't" she says
"Okay, well we will need an x-ray to rule anything out, so just follow Me"he says

We follow and they took an x-ray of it and when he got the sheet back and looked at it

"Well chloe it looks like you do have a broken ankle" he says and I laugh
"Looks like you owe me £20" I say to her
"Shut up" she says smirking
"I'm sorry" I say
"Anyway, so we are gonna put a cast on you and give you crutches, you must rest" he says
"Okay thank you doctor" I say
"£20 in my purse, give it here" she says and gave me the £20
"Nah it's fine" I say
"But that was the deal" she says
"Nah I said that to get to you to go" I say
"Damn you Sam" she says and hits me with her purse
"Okay I'm sorry, at least we know what's really wrong" I say
"True" she says

They put the cast on her and I took her home and explained to Castiel what happened and then left for home. I made sure to text her when I got back to make sure everything was okay

I fell in love with a wolf - Sam Winchester StoryWhere stories live. Discover now