Chapter 8

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Chloe's POV
Today is Friday, thank god. Castiel has been driving me round the bloody bend and I think I feel for Sam a little more. He has picking me up every morning and every evening. He is so sweet. I woke up to my alarm and went to my ensuite bathroom, I turned the shower on and stripped before putting the special bag on my leg and getting in. It was difficult with a broken ankle, but this is the way it has to be, I'm lucky I'm not dead. After my shower, I got out and dried myself before getting dressed. I looked at my texts and Sam said he was outside. I smiled and grabbed my bag and headed downstairs. As soon as I opened the door, he climbed out of his car and took my bag and gave me a hug. We went to his car and he opened my door, I climbed into the best of my ability and he jogged round the other side and climbed in

We arrived at the college and we went to our class which was photography, we sat next to each other and did our work, I love photography, I want to do photography maybe after college. The bell went and we headed to media studies. We arrived and sat down, it's hard for me so I have to leave a couple minutes earlier.

While in media studies, a piece of paper was placed in front of me. I looked at Sam and smiled and opened the letter

            I really like you, more than friends and I was wondering if you will go on a date with me tomorrow night
                             Sam xx'

I was shocked that he felt the same way, I grabbed a piece of paper from my bag and wrote my response

I fell in love with a wolf - Sam Winchester StoryWhere stories live. Discover now