Chapter 9

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Sam's POV
I built up the courage to ask her on a date and so I wrote her a letter. She smiled when she got it and read it. Her smile became even brighter. She grabbed a piece of paper from her book and wrote on it, before giving me it. I opened it, preparing myself for a no

          I'm shocked! I really like you too and I never knew you felt the same way. So of course I'll go a date with you tomorrow after work
                                 Chloe xx'

She said yes! I smiled and kissed her cheek and she smiled

"I will pick you up at 7pm yeah" I say
"Of course" she says

We finished the lesson and then we got to go home I took her there and then headed home myself. Once I actually got home, I called my favourite restaurant and booked reservations and I was also going to take her to the cinema. I can't wait for this date, that's when I got a text from her

'What shall I wear xx'
'Wear a dress as we are going to a restaurant after the cinema xx'
'Okay I can't wait xx'
'Me neither xx'

It would be difficult to wear heels and it may look a little weird with a cast, but I wouldn't care. She will look beautiful like always

I fell in love with a wolf - Sam Winchester StoryWhere stories live. Discover now