Chapter 14

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It was only the next day, when I was knee deep in letters to potential sponsors for the arts centre, that I realised, yet again the focus had been solely on me while I'd been in the bar with Jackson. I still knew very little about the enigmatic man who had somehow become my saviour on just about every front. It left me uncomfortable knowing that there was a huge disparity in our friendship, and I appeared to be taking more and more, while giving absolutely nothing back in return. Shame flared across my cheeks at the realisation I hadn't even asked how he was or about the trip to America which hadn't gone as planned.

Snatching up my phone, I punched out a quick text to him.

Hey! Thanks for yesterday (again). Next time it's my turn to listen while you vent. H

My phone chimed almost instantly with a reply. A broad grin spread across my face as I saw Jackson's name. Opening the message, my face fell as I scanned his words.

Hey yourself! Any time, and no thanks needed, it was my pleasure. Don't worry about me, I'm a big boy. Let's just concentrate on solving the Holly puzzle. J

There was no way I was going to let him keep doing everything to this bond we were forging, and getting nothing back from me. It was actually starting to irritate me. I wanted to be there for him, to help shoulder the burdens of whatever was causing him stress, but he remained closed off, like a book that's water damaged, and the pages are stuck together, the important words trapped within.

I'm serious. A problem shared and all that jazz. You've done so much for me in such a short space of time, let me be there for you. I want to be. H

I toyed with the idea of putting a kiss at the end, to lighten things, but talked myself out of it. It was the only thing that really still confused me about Jackson. Was he comfortable with me being that familiar with him? More to the point was I comfortable being that familiar with him? The only way to find out was to simply include one in a text at some stage. Our conversations were certainly at the level I'd consider appropriate to casually do that. Why I was even debating this was a mystery.

My phone dinged again as another text landed in my inbox.

It's not important. I'd only bore you to death. Did you sleep better last night? J

Once again, he was deflecting, trying to shut me down. I'd witnessed him do this with Constance when he didn't want to discuss something. He'd turn the tables so the focus was firmly back on the other person. If I didn't know him better, I'd have said he was manipulative, but the words 'self-deprecating' kept springing to mind when I thought about his manner. It also made me believe that whatever kept dragging him over the Atlantic had to be serious, and was no doubt causing many sleepless nights for him.

Let me be the judge of that. If I nod off, you have my permission to pinch me. Slept much better thanks, think talking definitely helped (hint, hint). Hx

It was only after I'd hit send that I realised I'd included the kiss on autopilot. There wasn't exactly much I could do to take it back now, and thinking about it, I wanted Jackson to feel more comfortable about sharing his own troubles with me. Maybe that tiny little action would encourage him to be more open.

Jesus woman, you're persistent. You're not going to let this drop are you? J

And so the conversation continued.

Nope, just like you, I don't let something drop when it's important. Hx

Using my own words against me now? You're a sneaky one. J J

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