Chapter 5

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Thundering down the steps to the main floor, I found myself in swept up in a sea of people enjoying the performance. Swarming bodies oblivious to my distress meant the claustrophobic sensation was akin to drowning, as my exit was blocked at every turn. Tears burned a trail down my cheeks as I kept my head tilted towards the floor to prevent anyone seeing, while battling to break through the suffocating throng that swayed rhythmically to the song being played. The panic at not being able to escape boiled furiously to the point I was ready to explode in ear-splitting vocal form.

Then suddenly there was salvation.

A large hand pressed into my lower back as a masculine arm reached around to part the crowd in front. Not even bothering to look back, or thank my rescuer, I charged forward until I was in the foyer where we'd come in earlier. Realising I had left my bag on the table upstairs and had no way of retrieving my coat either, I kept moving until I was outside the building. The bitter night air whipped around me, penetrating the thin layers of clothing, allowing the chill to reach my bones in an instant.

There were a few people milling around outside while the burly looking security staff stood sentry at the doorway. Darting to the right, I made a beeline for a large expertly sculpted topiary bush in a tall planter, positioned against the wall about halfway along the building and sank down behind as I desperately fought to calm myself.

The attempt was futile.

Waves of nausea crashed over me at the thought that I'd potentially recalled something concrete from my childhood. The glimmer of a possibility that there might be someone out there missing me swirled like a vortex. I potentially had a father whom I'd apparently been close to when I was a child. Scenario after scenario played in my head of where he could be, and what led to him not coming forward when I had my accident.

Did he miss me?

What if he thought I was dead?

Had we fallen out?

Did he still care?

Had he abandoned me?

What if I ran away?

The thoughts swarmed loudly until they proved beyond overwhelming, and I promptly emptied the contents of my stomach into a drain conveniently situated behind the ridiculously oversized bush and its container. Righting myself, I had no choice but to wipe my mouth with the back of my hand, which was beyond disgusting.

"At least you've saved someone the job of cleaning that up." A familiar male voice muttered from behind me, as a dark, heavy coat was draped over my shoulders. Once in place, a plastic bottle of water was placed on the edge of the plant pot.

I didn't know whether to be relieved that someone was with me right now or if I should shrug out of the ridiculously large cloak around my body and run for the hills once again. What I really needed was Jodie and my belongings, but she was nowhere in sight. I reached for the drink, unscrewing the cap and taking a refreshing gulp to remove the residual taste of my impromptu barfing. Preparing myself for a battle I had no inclination to be part of, I turned to face him.

"If you're going to give me another friendly reminder to stay away from your aunt, you can save your breath, I've got way more important things I'm dealing with right now." I spat whilst trying to ignore the still present burning sensation in my throat.

Regarding me with a raised eyebrow, he continued to talk, much to my annoyance. "Had a bit too much to drink?"

"Why do you care?" I challenged.

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