Chapter 3

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The wind left my lungs as I tried to wrap my head around the grand announcement Constance had just thrown out there. It sat like an unexploded bomb in the middle of the room, waiting for a comment that would trigger the explosion. She'd only bounced an idea around about her project but she'd not exactly elaborated, and there had certainly been no mention of her inviting me to live with her. Sure the idea of being able to push myself with something a little more challenging was appealing, but there was no way that this crazy idea of hers could work. Why had she not said anything earlier? While it was an incredibly generous offer, it was way more than she should be suggesting, and I was keen to diffuse things as quickly as she'd put the statement out there.

Jackson's expression perfectly conveyed his thoughts. While his mouth remained impassive, his eyes were hard, cold and trained firmly on me. "A little quick to be making offers like that don't you think Connie, and by the looks of it, it's news to...Holly was it?"

His tone left no room for interpretation. He thought this was a bad idea and was making sure I knew full well.

"It really is time I changed back into my stuff went home." I murmured awkwardly to Constance who seemed oblivious to how tense the atmosphere had become.

"Don't be silly dear, you are welcome to eat with us. In fact, I insist!"

"I really should just go." I garbled while squeezing past Jackson who was standing with his arms folded across his chest, looking ready to shut Constance down yet again. I just wanted out of that room as quick as I could. Locking myself in the cloakroom, I scrubbed my hands over my face to ease the rising panic. Glancing in the mirror my hair was all over the place, no wonder he had been looking at me with such suspicion. Dressed in someone else's clothes and looking like I'd been dragged through a hedge, he probably assumed that I was taking advantage of Constance's kindness.

On the surface that would be a quick and logical conclusion to draw, but I was having no part of it. I had enough on my plate trying to figure my own shit out without being dragged into more drama. Quickly switching out of the outfit that Constance had loaned me, I pulled on my now dry and slightly stiff clothes and prepared to beat a hasty retreat.

Walking back into the lounge, there was still a tension bubbling in the air. The door had been pushed halfway shut, obviously to prevent me from overhearing whatever was being said. Jackson was now seated on the sofa where I had spent most of the afternoon, and Constance was shooting him a disappointed look from her armchair.

"Thank you for this afternoon, Constance, I truly appreciate it, but I really do need to get home." I offered sincerely while placing the folded clothes down on the coffee table. Constance smiled back with an accepting nod and rose to her feet.

"You're welcome Holly, and please excuse Jackson's rudeness, he appears to have left his manners on the other side of the Atlantic." Her disapproval for whatever had been said during my absence was clear as day, as she reached for the notepad on the side table by her chair and ripped the top sheet off. Folding it neatly in half, then half again before pressing it into my palm firmly. "Think about the project and my offer, and call me with any questions."

I nodded and tucked the note into my pocket, because what else could I do? The poor woman had clearly been given a serious amount of grief by this man, the last thing I wanted to do was upset her further. Also, her project did have me intrigued, I knew the café could never be a long term prospect for me, and so did Ruby, maybe it could be something to consider.

"Jackson will give you a lift, and while he's at it, he'll be apologising for his awful behaviour since he walked through the door." She threw an accusatory look in his direction which had him shaking his head as he rose to his feet with an expression that now bordered on murderous.

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