Chapter 41: Percy

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I couldn't believe what I had seen. But it had definitely been her, standing on that podium with the royal family.

I knew that somehow, she had saved Luke's life. For me. And I knew that I would be eternally grateful to her for it.

We were in the cart, almost back at the ludus. While the cart had been packed just two days ago, now it only held two residents.

Luke and I hadn't spoken to each other since before the fight. There's something about almost killing each other that dampens relationships.

I couldn't wait to see Annabeth. To tell her everything that happened, to see her, to feel her lips against mine.

So when the cart pulled to the stop, it couldn't have been soon enough. Clarisse opened the doors, and Luke and I walked out.

We were met with great cheers and applause from everyone. I couldn't see Annabeth anywhere, but she was probably attending the princess, who wasn't here either. I did see Travis, though, a huge grin on his face and his right arm in a sling.

The reason everyone was so happy was probably the fact that both Luke and I made it back. Normally, only one person did, if anyone at all.

After everyone went back to their chores, Doctore Hedge came up to us.

"Good job," He said. "You two get the day off."

Then he walked back to the training grounds.

Luke and I looked at each other. Without Annabeth, I had nothing to do. I would just have to wait for her to visit me later.

I walked to my cell and laid down on my cot. I was too scared to fall asleep, scared of what my dreams might hold. The guilt was starting to pour in, and I had no doubt that the faces of my opponents, which I couldn't even remember from my adrenaline-induced energy in the arena, would haunt my dreams.

But I was tired, and my eyelids started to droop. Before I knew it, I was asleep.

But my dreams weren't like I expected. Instead, it was Annabeth, trapped behind a glass wall, screaming for my help. I tried to get to her, but the sand kept sinking under my feet. When I eventually got to the wall, I tapped it, and it shattered, along with Annabeth.

I awoke with a start. What the hell was that?

I wanted, needed, to talk to Annabeth. I loved her, and I needed to see her. Because my dream had given me a sense that something was wrong. That she was in danger.

I waited, but she never came. Eventually, the black-haired girl who had been Travis' smart companion came with dinner.

"Where's Annabeth?" I asked her urgently when she gave me mine. I didn't know if she knew the answer, but she probably knew more than me on the subject, seeing as she had been here when I hadn't.

As soon as the words left my mouth, a sadness appeared in the girl's eyes. And her next words made me feel like someone had ripped out my heart and stomped on it. Because they meant that I would never see Annabeth again.

"She's been sold," The girl choked.

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