Chapter 20: Annabeth

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I ran to my cell.

Why did you tell him that? I asked myself, repeating it over to myself like a mantra. My past was something I wanted to forget, and here I was, explaining it to a boy I hardly knew.

"Back already?" Clarrise asked as the guard unlocked the door. Silena, Katie, and Ella were still off with their gladiators.

"Yeah," I replied, sitting down on my bed.

"Was he gay?" She asked. 

"No," I replied. "Just didn't want to."

"Really?" She asked. I nodded. "Huh. Must've been crazy then."

I let out a quiet chuckle.

We sat in silence for around an hour. My mind was still spinning. Why did I tell Percy my past? Why did I feel so safe, so comforted, so happy, in his arms?

Katie walked in. She hadn't slept with her gladiator either. Not because he had refused, but because she had. I'm not losing my maidenhood to some man just because he might die tomorrow, had been her words.

Ella walked in two hours later, her cheeks red. She was a shy girl, and didn't give us details.

An hour later, Silena walked in. She did. Everyone but Clarisse was blushing by the time she finished speaking.

At that point, I was tired. I fell asleep quickly.

I dreamed I was back in Athens, standing next to my father. I had woven a tapestry of my mother for him. But he wasn't even listening to me. Instead, he had his arm around my stepmother, and was watching Matthew and Bobby spare.

I dropped my head, sad. But then, someone gently took ahold of my hand.

I looked up at Percy, who was smiling at me. I smiled back, my sadness gone.

I awoke with a start. The breakfast bell was ringing.

I quickly climbed out of bed and exited my cell. For once, I was looking forwards to my work.

I quickly ate breakfast, and then started to head out to the laundry room. Unfortunately, a guard stopped me.

"Lord Dionysus wants you to be the princess' personal slave," He told me.

I stared at him. 

"She's at the arena," He said then he left.

I felt like crying. Being her personal slave meant following her everywhere. Which meant I would have to watch the fights. Which meant there was a high chance that I was about to see Percy die.

But I had no choice. 

The arena was a small pit on the outskirts of the ludus. Its main purpose was for Lord Dionysus watch the gladiators he was planning on renting to the colosseum, to see if they were good enough. But today, it had a different purpose.

I approached the princess, who was sitting in a plush chair on a deck overlooking the arena.

"Your highness," I said with a curtsy. "I'm your new personal slave."

She looked at me. "Oh, hello! You have no idea how happy I am to see another woman my age."

I stared at her, shocked.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"Annabeth," I replied.

"Well, Annabeth, it's nice to meet you," She said with a smile. "I'm Thalia, but I assume you already knew that."

"Yeah, I did," I replied with a small smile. I could already tell that I liked the princess.

"Well, can you be a dear and get me a glass of wine?" She asked. "Actually, bring a jug of it too. I'm going to need to be drunk if I'm going to deal with these insufferable Wines all day. I mean, what kind of family name is Wine anyway?"

I smiled. "Of course, your highness."

"Oh, call me Thalia," She said. "Unless we're not alone."

"Okay, your- Thalia," I corrected myself.

She smiled at me, and then I left to get her her wine.

When I returned, she wasn't alone. Lord Dionysus and his family were sitting in the other chairs on the deck.

I gave her her wine silently. I could tell that the fights were about to begin, and I had a good view from my position behind her chair. 

"Let the first fight begin!" Lord Dionysus bellowed.

The doors that made up the entrance to the arena opened, and two gladiators walked out. One had dark skin and black hair, and the other was big with brown hair and brown eyes.

They both bowed to Thalia and the others, and then the fight started. They were both skilled, and the sounds of swords clashing filled the air.

Eventually, the big boy beat the other to the ground. He looked to Thalia, who reluctantly raised her right thumb. Then the big boy drove his sword through the dark-skinned boy's throat.

The big boy left the arena, while a guard dragged the dark-skinned boy's corpse out of the doors. I poured Thalia another glass of wine.

"Let the next fight begin!" Lord Dionysus bellowed. Then the doors opened again, and Percy and a brown haired boy stepped out.

They both bowed. After they rose, Percy's eyes met mine, and they widened with shock.

Then the fight started. The other boy was good, but he was no match for Percy. He was on the ground in no time, with Percy's sword at his throat.

Percy looked up at Thalia. I could see sadness in his eyes.

Thalia raised her thumb. And then Percy drove his sword through the boy's neck.

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