Can you handle this

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Chapter 4

Aniyah and Plies were on their way to the mall and the car ride there was pretty much silent . How can one night of pure sex and fantasy turn into beatings and torture ? She was starting to wonder why did she so foolishly fall into this trap . To think that a rapper could actually find interest in her and actually Love her like an actual person should seemed to be all a dream ; ( Impossible ) . Once they got to the mall she started to look around and see what interested her the most . It was packed that day and everybody seemed to be checking her out and seeing who was the chick with Plies . Yea you know she had to get special attention from the guys because she was hot af' ( Red Bone, tatted and thick ) . Every time he felt like she was eyeing another dude she would tighten his grip on her wrist .

Sorry For the Short Update but I'll update tonight or Tomorrow

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