Love me again...

189 20 5

2 weeks later

'I told you. I told you this would happen and you didn't listen to me!'

Sitting on the couch with a finger pointing at my face, being yelled at for my own stupid mistakes. I'm not a child, I know what happened, and I know it was my fault.


'I didn't think... I thought-'

He snaps in

'You thought what? That life gives us the endings we want?'

I get up walking to the kitchen, leaning on the sink.

'I thought he loved me enough to stay.'

And really I did. I thought we'd gone through the difficult times and become stronger but clearly I was wrong to think it was possible to be happy.

'I told you, work relationships don't work. You remember I said to you-

'Yes rob I know what you said!' I snap.

A wave of silence creeps in, I stand looking in the window at my reflection.

'So he's gone?'

'Yesterday. Handed in his notice and left. Not a single goodbye.'

I feel the tears reaching the bottom of my jaw. I watch rob walk behind me, his hand resting on my shoulder. I tense my chest attempting to hold myself together.

'How about you try with jack?'

'Are you serious? That's what started all this. If I'd of never seen jack, James wouldn't of thought I didn't love him, he wouldn't of left me. And-'

'Camilla, something else would have happened.'

I turn to face him, snapping.

'You never wanted me with him did you. Was you jealous?'

'What?' He steps back.

'Did you wish I liked you?'

'I don't-'

'The way you like me!'

He walks back over to the couch.

'You're upset you don't have to turn this on me..'

'Upset? I'm upset? I'm fucking fuming how about that... when I need you the most you're standing there saying '' I told you so''

He stops. Everything stops, the creeping silence snuffing out the sound. My eye focus on him.

'I'm sorry Camilla...'

'Sorry doesn't bring him back.'

I grab my jacket rushing from my flat, I need to clear my head. I can't think straight, not now... not now I've found out I'm-

'You off out early?'

David snaps me out of my thoughts as he passes me on the stairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2017 ⏰

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