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Camilla's POV
I flick my eyes open and see James is still asleep beside me. I awkwardly slide out of the bed...

24 hours earlier.
I enter work, still things are awkward between me and James. But that was months ago. We recently shot for the episode young heart run free and a few episodes after that. So now Zosia and Ollie move on to the next part of there relationship, me and James have to attend a meeting today to find out what's in store. I'm dreading having to shoot a very intimate scene with him.
I don't know how things got so messy, it was just a kiss, it didn't mean anything. And besides, he wanted to be friends, so friends it is.
I enter the small office at the end of the hall, James is already here. I smile and awkwardly sit beside him.
'Ok so in your scripts, you'll see that Zollie are going on holiday together..' I flick through the script.
'Right.' James remains looking away from me.
'So you two are going to spend a few weeks down in LittleHampton with some of our crew, you will shoot a few scenes over there.' James slowly looks at me, I smile, he doesn't.
'Lovely.' James looks at his script before tucking it into his Jean pocket and leaving the room. I smile at the director grab my script and dart after James.
'James..' He stops.
'Guys can we just shoot zollie's argument scene please.' The director stands at the bottom of the hall. We both know this argument is going to be a lot more of reality than acting.

I walk down the corridor towards James (Ollie).
'What is your problem!'
'You're making it so difficult for me to love you Zosia.' He looks into my eyes, standing rather close to me.
'I'm making it difficult, you acted like a fool the other ridiculous.' I throw my hands up. Slamming the medical sheet into his chest.
'I only acted like that because I don't want to lose you!' I slowly walk towards him, time for the awkward scene.
'I didn't hear that.' He places a hand on my cheek and one on my waist before whispering in my ear.
'I don't want to lose you.'
I step back and turn to leave, he grabs my arm spinning me round and kissing me, I place my hands around his neck.

'Cut!' The director claps and heads of with the crew down the corridor. I turn back to James who's stood there refusing to look at me.
'James.. Are we ok?'
'Yes, why wouldn't we.' He smiles and darts off.
'Camilla come here!!' Rosie shouts from the staff room set, I walk in.
'How long you got free?'
'I don't know..I'm having to go down to LittleHampton with James..' Rosie smirks and walks over to the cupboard.
'You should check out Instagram, it's going crazy with last nights episode.' She walks over to me handing me the phone, I flick through all the notes..
'Wow they're are obsessed with Zollie.' I try to laugh, but really I sort of wish they wasn't...Then the directors might drop the storyline.
'Camilla!!' The director shouts from outside, I smile at Rosie and leave the room.

James' POV
I stand by the car waiting for Camilla to leave Holby. I'm not thrilled about spending weeks away with her, how much awkward could it possibly be..
She exits Holby and walks toward the director.
'You two can share a cab, the crew will meet you there.' I sigh and climb into the back of the cab, Camilla awkwardly climbs in.

2 hours later
We arrive at the hotel, we both climb out having sat the whole journey in silence. To be fair, I did try to make conversation..

Camilla's POV
Could a car journey for 2 hours be any more awkward, he didn't even try to talk to me..I tried to make conversation, look how far it got me.

We enter the hotel, it's not the nicest place I've ever seen but it looks ok I suppose..

Room 242,
James and I have to share a room, but that's ok..ill just avoid spending time in there, I want to go sightseeing anyway.
I unlock the door, first thing I notice
Shit...a double bed. No singles.
Secondly, it's so small in here. Brilliant.
I walk over to the far wall and drop my bags, James repeats my actions.
I drop out a spare chair randomly placed in the corner. James shuts the door and walk over to the window.
'View looks great..' I can hear the sarcasm in his voice, I don't reply. I begin chipping the nail vanish of my nails, James looks over at me.
'Please tell me you're going to talk to me?' I glance up at him then back down at my hand.
'Camilla, look I know I've been awkward with you but..'
'No I've been awkward with you..'
We both smile at each other, I get up and walk over to the small on suite..
'This place is disgusting..' James laughs and drops on the bed. You hear one of the springs almost snap, I laugh.
'Look ill go see if there is another room.' I walk towards the door.
'How come?' I stop.
'I mean I'm sure you want a bed to yourself..' I smile.
'I'm sure we'll be fine sharing?' I'm glad we have cleared the air, it feels a lot easier to joke around with him now.
'I suppose, as long as there is no duvet stealing.' I laugh.
'Haha, let's go get food.' We leave the hotel room and head to the downstairs cafe.

3 hours later
I exit the on suite and see James stood near the bed.
'James do you have a shirt I can borrow?' He hold up his top.
'Here.' He throws it to me, I grab it.
'If you need it I'll..'
'Nope it's fine I've got these.' He holds up his bottoms. I smile and turn back to the bathroom, I glance back seeing him removing his shirt. I shake my head and dart into the bathroom.

10minutes later
I leave the bathroom and see James asleep on the left side of the bed, I pull myself slowly under the duvet. I smile at him, then snuggle down to sleep.

I flick my eyes open and see James is still asleep beside me. I awkwardly slide out of the bed...pulling my arm out of his grip, walking up practically hugging James.
I leap over to the window.
He rolls over and shoots his eyes open.
'Hey..' He smiles.
'Hi..' I smile and focus on the view...

Acting vs reality           (A Jamilla Story)Where stories live. Discover now