Breaking Down

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1 month later
James and I have been dating for a bit and it's very serious, I know we haven't told anyone but that doesn't make it less real. It's not that we don't want to tell people, we do. It's just with our jobs and the awkwardness.
I walk out of James' bedroom, dressed and ready for work. I've been here all week as David and Rob have gone camping for two weeks, giving me free time to see James more often.
I'm not entirely sure what episode we're shooting today but I'll find out when we get there. In the Zollie  universe, I think they're going strong in terms of their relationship which is great for me and James. Even makes our acting even more real. I smile to myself as these thoughts pass my mind.
James is in the bathroom getting ready.
Suddenly, his phone starts buzzing on the kitchen unit.
'James? You've got a message..'
I stand at the door waiting for a reply, I'm not the girlfriend who looks first then asks.
'Just get it for me, probs the director.' He yells over the sound of running water.
I walk over to his phone scooping it into my hands. I read the text and stop.
I put the phone down and step back. This can't be real can it? I try holding it together, I can't.
The bathroom door unlocks and James walks out, stopping at my broken face.
'Camilla?' He dashes to me.
'She's pregnant...' He looks at me confused, I step over to the table passing him the phone.
James freezes looking at the message;
James, I'm pregnant. You're going to be a dad!

He slowly looks back up at me, tears now fall from my eyes.
'Hey that doesn't mean anything to us..'
'No. But it does to you.' I feel myself crumbling. His ex is pregnant and I'm standing in his kitchen thinking about future plans.
We freeze staring at each other neither of us talking, he looks mortified.
I break it.
'We need to go to work.' I grab my jacket and begin fastenings it, my hands trembling.
'Camilla can we-'
'No.' I open the door and leave the flat, I can't talk about what's just happened right now. Maybe by the end of the day yes I will.

I've chosen to not think about it, which is hard but I'm here to work. I walk over to the director, James is here too. We both stand listening to him talk, James keeps looking at me, I avoid his eye contact.
'So today's plan is to shoot where we belong.' I suddenly go sick to my stomach, no. James frantically looks at me, knowing the same as me.
'No, I can't.' I step back and rush down the corridor.
'I'll get her' I hear James call.
I dash into the locker room set and stand with my back facing the door.
'No.' I feel like I'm going to be sick, today of all days..
'Can you come out there and just shoot..'
'You want me to go out there and shoot a scene which we both know is too close to comfort!'
I spin to face him. I'm angry too. It's like he's oblivious to everything that's happened today.
'It's your job?'
'You want me to go and shoot as scene where I have to act like I'm your girlfriend who finds out your the dad to another women's child!' I yell.
He stands motionless, knowing I'm right. Tears fall from my face, he steps froward touching my arm. I pull back.
'Just get out please.' I turn away from him trying to collect my thoughts.
'Get out!!'
I lose it, yelling and I don't care if anyone hears it.

James' POV
I stand looking at Camilla, I understand that she can't wrap her head around it but neither can I.
'Please just listen..'
'James get out!'
'Camilla, I know that this is hard for you.. It is for me. But I don't want to lose what we have, I want you.. I.. Please just hear me out..'
'I've asked you to get out!!' Her voice is bitter and harsh. I step back and walk to the door.
'I love you Camilla..'

Camilla's POV
I hear the door shut behind James before a fall on to my knees and weep uncontrollably.

James' POV
I walk over the the director, he stands there as if he's been waiting for a long time.
'Camilla is having to leave, she doesn't feel to good.'
I just want to curl up in a ball. I want to forget everything that's happened. If only things could be different.
'I understand, must be a bug. We will shoot your scenes.' He nods in the direction of the central set, I follow him.

2 hours later

Camilla's POV
James slowly walks up the stairs outside the flat, stopping once he notices me. I wrap my arms round my legs.
'How long have you been here?'
He sits beside me our skin touching.
'Since I left work.'
My eyes look a mess, I've cried so much since I've been here.
'Camilla i-'
'I love you James. I really do.. But-'
'Don't.' My eyes fill.
'You need to be there for your child.. And I don't think I can cope with that, so I have to-'
'Camilla please-'
'I have to end it with you, it hurts it really hurts but I can't hold it together, I can't watch you raise a child that's not mine..'
I slowly turn to face him, my eyes streaming.. His too. I grab is hand.
'Promise, you'll be there for her.'
'I promise but I'm not giving up on you.'
'You have to let me go.' I find this so hard to say, my world is crushing around me.
'I love you..' He struggles.
'I love you too.' I slowly kiss his lips and turn away parting them, if only life worked differently.
I get to my feet and walk down the stairs, stopping as I reach the bottom and breaking down.

James' POV
I storm into the flat slamming the door and breaking down.

Acting vs reality           (A Jamilla Story)Where stories live. Discover now