24 little hours

296 12 9

I'm alone.

Alone. Sitting in the dark and empty set of the Darwin locker rooms, it's been a few hours now and I just don't know if I can face up to him.

He made it clear, so clear I could see my reflection. A reflection of pure disgust, why couldn't I be happy. I am happy, why can't he see that. Us. Him and me, I won't lose that again.

24 hours ago.

I sit in the car, the music blurring around me as I focus on him. Everything about him lights up my entire existence, I've never felt so wanted. Needed. James has become my beacon of hope, my saviour.
He concentrates on the road ahead as he distorts his face, scrunching his eyebrows. He stops after a few moments and resumes singing, he's beautiful in every single way.

'You don't have to watch me the whole
Time you know, I'm not going anywhere.'

'I can't help it.' I smile, he side glances at me.

He reaches over squeezing my thigh
'I love you.'

I nervously laugh. No matter how long or how many times I've heard those words, they will still make my heart beat a thousand drums of love.

'Where are we going?'

'Wait and see.'

I sigh. 'Why am I dressed like this? It's such a puffy dress, if we're going for a meal and I'm too over dressed I-'

'You look beautiful.'

I smile, glancing out the window now. It's dark, the moon high in the sky dancing amongst the greys and blacks. It looks cold, the small icicles gathering on the corner of the windows.

'I love you too.'

20 minutes later

We pull up into an empty car park outside what seems to be an old school. I frown, it looks silent... why are we here?

'M'lady' James opens the door taking a hold of my hand. The cold arm biting at
My bare arms, I shiver slightly as his arm embraces me pulling me closer. We approach the building stopping outside the door.

'Why are we here?'

'You'll see.'
He opens the door switching on the lights.

'An empty school hall?'

He sighs walking over to the small music box in the corner. I watch him tentatively. He presses play as the song 'runaway' by the corrs.

I smile, one of my favourite songs.

'Can you dance?'

'You know I can.' He takes a hold of my hand, guiding me to the centre of the room. I laugh placing my hands around his neck, his hands slipping comfortably around my waist.   

'You brought me all this way to dance with me?' I look up into his baby blues.

'Nothing wrong with sentimentality.'

He takes my hand spinning me out as the music plays in the background;
'Cause I have fallen in love
With you, no never have
I'm never gonna stop falling in love, with you'

I stop. So does he, chest to

'It's perfect. Really. I couldn't of chosen a better place. I just want you know, I could never stop loving you, James. I love you.'

Acting vs reality           (A Jamilla Story)Where stories live. Discover now